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  1. xdave

    SALE 25% off ...What!?

    Yeah, having a fish missing an eye happens, but enough to warrant being the weekly special ? Fish get no respect. A petstore offering 25% off all 3 legged dogs would be shut down instantly.
  2. xdave

    Views on Marine Bettas?

    Everyone I know that had one kept it by itself. Get a real big rock with a hole drilled through it and they hang out in there. They take a while but will eventually eat out of your hand. definately require a skilled patient aquarist.
  3. xdave

    Funny BG Chromis

    I'm pretty sure thats right. With them travelling in huge schools thats a lot harder to document than with clowns that have a colony revolving around an anemone. Sorry, not much chance for the babies. Look at the bright side. You've got mating activity in a community salt tank.
  4. xdave

    HELP with Clown

    Theres a lot of current where they live. Only a problem is shes panting, or seems off balance when swimming elsewhere. Although they will do that when they have gill problems like parasites, there will be other symptoms involved, and by the time they resort to the ph they look real sick. Make...
  5. xdave

    smallest tang

    The smallest I know of is the Kole, as mentioned. They're not the most beautiful, but you wont have much of an algae problem Scopas do ok in smaller tanks if they are long, like a 55 or min 40 long. Pretty easy if you get a 2" one. Bruised leaf lettuce or spinach sticking up from the bottom of...
  6. xdave

    Nitrate Trap?

    When you say "changed the filter pads" do you mean all of them? Never change more than 50% of your filter material at once. That can basically uncycle your tank. Nitrate lock type products will wrap ions of other elements around the nitrate reportedly protecting life from them. This will not...
  7. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    Yes I know the definition of tap water. I'm saying that the characteristics of tap water are too widely varied from location to location to use the same technique for all, therefore you cannot give advice on how it should be prepared unless you know what the characteristics of that particulaar...
  8. xdave

    How addicted are you?

    Addicted enough to take a job at the warehouse counting out platies and swords for lfs from 8pm till 6am just so I could get stuff wholesale. Well and also, when they discovered I could identify more species than anyone else I was put in charge of incoming marine shipments. I got to see the...
  9. xdave

    temporary holding tank for LR

    I used a real big plastic picnic cooler with a drain plug on the side. It doesn't weigh much, it's unbreakable, it has heavy duty handles, the plastic is human consumption use grade, you can clean it to spotless condition with a damp paper towel, the lid seals pretty tight so no spills when you...
  10. xdave

    What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?

    Dont know if this counts as a hitch hiker. We had a customer in Hilo Hawaii, just hardgoods. The owner went diving and got his own rock and made a huge reef tank in 1949. When he diedd the son shipped us the stuff out of that tank and we'll called the balance even. The boss just let us have...
  11. xdave

    Harlequin Shrimp reef safe?

    Mine looked like they sorta tickled it into flipping over. They'd get on top each taking a leg, and touch the feet at the tip of a leg or point. the star would start to curl up then they would poke at the feet a little farther up. Eventually they get the star to flip compltely over. Sometimes it...
  12. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    You can just say "use tap" . Whats tap? The water at your house, his house, the customers office? If you haven't tested the water he would be using than what are you basing your water treatment advice on? What if his tap is hard unchlorinated well water with a ph around 8, why would he use...
  13. xdave

    Hep Please With Tomato Clown

    You didn't get taken if he sold you it as a tomato, cinnamons are more expensive.
  14. xdave

    Funny BG Chromis

    Yeah, out of the mouths of babes. I think They're 'a courtin Have they been nipping at a particular rock or spot in the tank together? That would make me pretty sure short of actually seeing what they're doin. I wouldn't worry about trying to care for eggs if they do lay them in a community...
  15. xdave

    New fish

    Dont you wish just once the LFS guy would say you dont want that. Then again, having also been that guy, I wish I could tell a customer that and have him say ok, thanks buddy. Heres how to deal with the GF. Repeat after me, "I know honey I think they're cute too but he'll get too big and be all...
  16. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    @ fishfiend and ginarox, neither of you have African Cichlids. One has Convicts in a ph over 8 and the other has Parrots fish. All SA's, none even close to the same requirements as AC's. Hey let me know if you get the Red Parrots to breed, I'll pay huge money for them. When you know...
  17. xdave

    The Most Beautiful Fish?

    My favorite butterfly, the Pakistani They are very underated cuz the don't look so good at LFS. Big angel, Emperor, Little angel, coral beauty Tang, Sailfin Anthias, they're all really pretty Goby, Mandarin or Fire Wrasse, Red Coris Clown, Tomato Favorite fish overall, Moorish Idol. If I knew...
  18. xdave

    SALE 25% off ...What!?

    I wish your store would rescue this fish from this store
  19. xdave

    my coral banded shrimp is blue...why is that

    You got lucky. where a regular one (Stenopus hispidus) goes for $9, a blue (Stenopus tenuirostris) would be around $20-$25. At the TFD (tropical fish distributor) I worked at when we'd find one of them in with a box of regular ones we'd have the nerve to call up the collection station we got...
  20. xdave

    fish in a 10 gallon

    OOPS, i didn't actually answer you question. If your water temp can stay below 76 degrees. The official minimum tank is 20 gl. most LFS will put them in a RT at 72-78 so get a small one that just got to the store, or is in a properly cool tank.