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  1. xdave

    SALE 25% off ...What!?

    Stopped by my LFS today. Actually I saw their add on the net and it was on my way back from dropping off my daughter at school, so i thought I'd check it out. The sale sign by the door said "Special 25% off all fish missing one or more eyes !!!" :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared...
  2. xdave


    Accepting frozen brine shrimp and surviving (I prefer my fish flourishing) on it are 2 different things. You'd have more luck with frozen invert food most likely. It should be a lot closer to thier actual diet.
  3. xdave

    fish in a 10 gallon

    Yeah, I was gonna say a fire fish too. They kinda get lost in a big tank and you don't realise how interesting they are. I knew a guy that had a pair of Mandarin gobies in a 10 but it had a 20 wet/dry filter. I kept a pair of Clown Shrimp in a 10 in with about the same setup. A good general rule...
  4. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    Yep. R/O and there are tons of different African additives out there. Even the cheaper brands like Hagen and Tetra are fine. Africans need a lot less tank cleaning than you'd think, if you strictly feed food made specifically for them. The thing is, they have a very slow digestive system. They...
  5. xdave

    Hep Please With Tomato Clown

    Octos mostly eat clams and oysters, unlikely youd have enough in you tank to sustain him. As for the clown, hes supposed to look like that. You wont win any trophys for one that doesn't. Originally (showing my age again) both Frenatus and Melanopus were called tomatoes when bright red in color...
  6. xdave

    Thoughts on coral beauty

    I had one in a 38 tall for many years. He'd nod his head and do silly dances when I looked in, very friendly, happy and healthy. OK, you wont believe this but he was jealous of the TV. When I'd watch TV and not him, sometimes he would go into shock colors, curl up a little and float to the...
  7. xdave

    New find wanted to share

    Great pics. Are your clowns aggressive, I keep reading that Maroons are but I never had any problems with them.
  8. xdave

    how do clams breed

    I've heard you can only rent that video at the middle of a lunar cycle.
  9. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    Originally Posted by hardcrab67 R/O water, then add trace elements to that water. I like Electro-Rite. African Cichlids like the water w/ a more acidic reading of 6.8, There is a buffer I use to use by Seachem, just treat the whole tank after water change. If you ever run into Discus(Amazon...
  10. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    Hopefully thats not "common" amoung aquria professionals. Uh oh, it's time to feed the seahorses at the dentists office, hope the bale of hay doesnt cloud up the water again :notsure:
  11. xdave

    Time Sensitive Question… Please Help…

    76 to 82 degrees, ph 8-9, hard water. Buy "Cichlid salt,PS the word salt doesn't nessasarily mean NACL" which has different trace elements than "aquarium salt". The box will tell you. Buy African Cichlid food only, they seem to like the stick type best. It is common, and generally successful...
  12. xdave

    Attention all tang experts

    I guess the moral of this story is don't let your tangs drive a Toyota. As far as what you see at a public aquarium, not really reality. If they showed tangs in a proper environment you'd never see them, they'd be way over there away from the countless idiots ignoring the please don't tap on...
  13. xdave

    Attention all tang experts

    I've kept a Naso, Morpho, and Scopas in the same tank but the actual Tang rule is no similarly shaped ones together. A purple and a Yellow are gonna fight. I bet they both have thier scalpals out on mere sight of eachother. Even if introduced as 2 babies, upon maturity, somebodys' goin down.
  14. xdave

    Beth help....was told u could identify what is wrong

    Can't tell from the pics. Heres some clues tho. Ich and velvet will almost always appear on all parts of the fish. Lymphocyctis will be along the edges of body parts, generally the fins. Ich looks like little white sugary dots, velvet like powdered sugar coating.. Lymphocyctis looks kinda...
  15. xdave

    Niger killed by lion sting

    That sounds like a 3 way tie of disaster. No anemone for the clowns protection cause the trigger will eat it. Then either the lion or trigger will eat the clown. Then the trigger will rip off the lions fins. Best case scenario the trigger lives. When setting up a salt tank you are building a zoo...
  16. xdave

    multiple angels

    You can't keep 2 of the same genus. Smallest species must be in tank first. Did you ever wonder why a lot of juvi angels look totally different from the adults? It's so adults don't recognise them . 3 Pomacanthus in one tank just aint happening. Most zoos would not try it. Large angel fish have...
  17. xdave

    THANK YOU.....dude with the tank FIRE!!!

    Always make a "drip loop". The lowest point on any cords coming from your tank MUST be below the level of the plug!!!! Tie a piece of twine around them at the lowest point on the cord and let the ends hang down. This way if water drips down the cord the string will divert it to the floor.
  18. xdave

    feeding while on vacation???

    If you do have someone do it for you, measure out each days food in advance. If it's flake or pellet you can use one of those daily pill containers. The #1 killer of fish is fish food ! Would they need to know how to turn off a filter first? I they do and forget to turn it back on...
  19. xdave

    Whos the baddest angel?

    Just for fun, what do you thing is the meanest angel? One time at work we got in 100 Passers from Mexico and they were absolutely psycotic. They kept slammin into the side of the tank tryin to get at their neighbors. They'd even lunge at us when we'd walk by.
  20. xdave

    trigger snaped: What to do?

    You have my sympathy. That happended to me too. I had a Lion (my avatar is his baby picture, took 2'nd place at only 5") and when he got to 15" long and 18" fin span I got a little Huma. Only fish in the tank. Everything was fine then one day after about a week the huma darted over and bit the...