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  1. ledzep

    Do you have a skimmer in your nano?

    Can never find a good one in the LFS
  2. ledzep

    I Got The Craziest Idea!!!!

    Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11 why you gotta hate ledzep..i know for a fact if you had the money and stuff you would do it...and if you wouldnt well your crazy...thats an amazing idea..then have hte stairs thta go underwater like a bombshed thing and have a glass window and you could be out...
  3. ledzep

    I Got The Craziest Idea!!!!

    Gl with that.
  4. ledzep


    Well since you put the Yellow watchman in first, you can't put any other watchman, unless you have a yellow watchman of the other gender. You can probably keep clown gobies, neon gobies, and other smaller gobies.
  5. ledzep

    Free Pistol Shrimp

    BUMP, its still available.
  6. ledzep

    Free Pistol Shrimp

    Well, I have a pistol shrimp that I got, but it was bigger than I expected ( like 2 inches from claw to tail ) and now it is messing up my aquascape pretty much so I am willing to give him/her up to anyone who would provide a good home for it free. Sorry, can't post a pic, but it looks...
  7. ledzep

    Yellow Watchman Goby Survival Story

    It depends on whether your YWG is a male or female is he/she is going to gets his/her color back. If its a male, yes, in a stress free place, but females slowly mature into gray gobies. I have YWG that was yellow one day then gray the next, ygliest goby I have ever seen, but so much personality.
  8. ledzep

    So Many Types of Clowns

    Haha, yea I think I might be convinced, its nice how they have their own different white dot somewhere on their body.
  9. ledzep

    So Many Types of Clowns

    Yea, it was n a k e d
  10. ledzep

    So Many Types of Clowns

    So, I have been wondering, for my soon-to-be set-up 12 gallon nanocube, I want a False Percula Clown, but which one do you guys like the most?
  11. ledzep

    Neon Gobies

    Wow, just went on the ORA website ( haven't been there for awhile ) and apparently they have a hybrid of the two. So I guess that answers my question
  12. ledzep

    Neon Gobies

    I've heard neon gobies do better in pairs than by themselves, but will blue neons and gold neons pair up with each other as well as 2 blue ones or 2 gold ones? Thinkin about gettin 2 of em, its no big deal, but to be able to distinguish them from one another easier would be nice.
  13. ledzep

    2gl Pico inline

    Flricordia, if I can ask, what type of angler is that? and does it stay small? I was always thinking of having an angler in my refugium, but I never could find one that stayed small . thanks
  14. ledzep

    Damn Turbo Snails..

    Umm... then mine must not be turbos.
  15. ledzep

    Damn Turbo Snails..

    I've heard it was unpredictable too, and later IF it grows like a weed which I've heard it can do, I wouldn't mind my snails eating it, but right not its just a 3 inch frag
  16. ledzep

    Damn Turbo Snails..

    Well, I just got it at an expo, to me it was the healthiest one there, but almost every morning, I come down to see a snail eating it. The spot they have been eating is still shriveled up now
  17. ledzep

    Damn Turbo Snails..

    How can I get my turbo snails to stop eating my xenia? It semms like every day when I wake up, they are munching on it so I have to stick my hand in there and move them to the other side of the tank
  18. ledzep

    Pistol and Cleaner Shrimp?

    Eh, I think it might depend on the individual pistol shrimp or their species. I have a pistol shrimp ( don't know what kind, he's not on this website ), but he shares his huge cave with a yellow watchman goby, a 2 inch domino damsel, and a hermit crab that is as big as his snapper claw. He...
  19. ledzep

    How to Catch a Damsel

    How can I catch my damsel without ruining my aquascape? He is too fast...
  20. ledzep

    Clown Hosting Hammer Coral

    Eh never been a real fan of hairy mushrooms, but if it means I wont have a dead $40 hammer coral I guess I might try toget my clown to host that. I'm pretty sure he'll like it more than the Mag-Float.