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  1. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    I think he is sayin the need somethin to hide on/camaflouge to, thats why they swing their bodies around.
  2. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    Well, I've just ordered my pistol shrimp, should be here on Saturday, but I am thinking of yellow watchman, yasha, randals or two spot goby.
  3. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    Yea, I've heard that was big enough for a pistol shrimp and goby. I'm not sure if a sexy shrimp will go in there too, I might be pushing it then.
  4. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    Hmm, sexy shrimp aren't exactly cheap shrimp, but I guess it will be worth a try.
  5. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    Really?? YAY
  6. ledzep

    Enough Room?

    I as thinking of a clown goby w/ sexy shrimps, but don't gobies eat shrimp?
  7. ledzep

    Sexy Shrimp

    I think I am getting a pistol shrimp and a goby for my new tank, but I like the little sexy shrimp, but will either a pistol shrimp or goby eat them? They seem pretty small.
  8. ledzep

    Enough Room?

    Is a 3 Gallon Pico enough for a small ( 2-3 inch ) goby and a pistol shrimp or is that too crowded?
  9. ledzep

    Which Shrimp Goby?

    Which Goby with a Tiger Pistol Shrimp?
  10. ledzep

    Which Shrimp Goby?

    Which Goby with a Tiger or Randalli Pistol Shrimp?
  11. ledzep

    Which Shrimp Goby?

    woops, posted 2 times on accident
  12. ledzep

    What fish in a 3 gallon?

    Originally Posted by nctarheels i have a 3 gallon with a green clown goby and a dwarf seahorse!! its perfect amount of livestock with the clean up crew Wow, really? I've got a Pico with nothing in it, I may try that.
  13. ledzep

    5 Gal, What should I do, any suggestions?

    Do you think 1 clown and a small BTA would work with him?
  14. ledzep

    5 Gal, What should I do, any suggestions?

    Clown goby?
  15. ledzep

    Jumping Watchman Goby

    Ok, just wanted to make sure it was as common as every single on jumping around, if its a rare thing I guess mine will be ok (my tank just has a small gap in the back) , but to those of you who have pistol shrimp too, were there any problems getting them to share a burrow together? Oh and...
  16. ledzep

    Jumping Watchman Goby

    Hi, just wanted to ask before i get a Watchman Goby if anyone has ever had an experience of them jumping out of an open top tank?
  17. ledzep

    Anemone w/ Clown

    Well, I've never had an anemone but, I am looking for an anemone for my clown t host, but I was thinking, along with the proper lighting, does an anemone still need to be fed if it has a clown hosting it? I've heard that a clown fish that hosts and anemone will actually bring food to it.
  18. ledzep

    Pistol Shrimp w/ Watchman Goby

    Hmm, ok I guess it'll just be either a lone clown fish or a lone goby then with my lil hermit crab.
  19. ledzep

    Pistol Shrimp w/ Watchman Goby

    I have a 3 Gallon Picotope tank thats been cycling for 2 Months and am now ready to add some fish in there and I was thinking of pistol shrimp/shrimp goby so they can share a burrow, is that ok for that small of a tank? If that doesn't work out, is a percula clown fish w/ an anemone goood for...