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  1. jacknjill

    Mantis tank...anyone remember me??

    That's so awesome! I love how smart and friendly he seems. I have a question about your tank though, since I have the same one and am currently having an issue. Okay on the left side in the back where it has the clear part that says maximum and minimum water levels? When I filled my tank up...
  2. jacknjill

    14 Gallons of Fury: A Nano Diary

    I have this same tank. Question. Okay on the left side in the back where it has the clear part that says maximum and minimum water levels? When i filled my tank up originally it was at the upper middle level. Then, a couple hours later I went back to look at it and the water level in the third...
  3. jacknjill

    Windows 7 problem

    Update! It took almost three hours, but the program scanned my entire system, found the program, and removed it. Now everything is running fine with no fake spyware alerts. Thanks so much for the advice everyone!!!
  4. jacknjill

    Windows 7 problem

    Hahaha no worries I stay away from those anyways. I think it may be from facebook... :/
  5. jacknjill

    Windows 7 problem

    Originally Posted by mrdc I was going to say malware too. I had a similar issue awhile back and my problem was not allowing me to do anything. I would disable the program but it would keep popping back up and wasn’t allowing me to do anything on my computer. It just kept telling me my...
  6. jacknjill

    Windows 7 problem

    Thanks for the suggestions! I think you guys are right about it being Malware, because the little Windows icon is fuzzy, like it's fake. I downloaded the program you recommended and it's currently scanning my hard drive.
  7. jacknjill

    Windows 7 problem

    I keep getting alerts from "Window's 7 defender" saying that I have a virus, spyware, etc, but when I click on it, it tries to get me to purchase the full version in order to remove the "infected files." I have Trend Micro Security system and when I did a system scan it says I have no spyware...
  8. jacknjill

    New cube equipment questions? advice please!

    Thanks! I think im gonna go with a 25 watt, and if i end up not needing it ill just use it to heat up the water change water. I was looking at the little koralia nano pumps...they seem small enough and not crazyyy powerful. I want to keep softies and LPS corals
  9. jacknjill

    New cube equipment questions? advice please!

    Sooo after having to give up my 55 gallon tank a couple of years ago when we moved, my mom finally bought me a 12 gallon jbj cube for my birthday! I was wondering what wattage heater would be best for it, as well as what gph and size powerhead would work well for it? Thanks!
  10. jacknjill

    salt water beginer with alot of questions

    For your question on live rock, you can add a small piece to seed your "dead" rock, but in the end, all your dead rock will eventually become live rock by itself. So really, its up to you.
  11. jacknjill

    can someone simplify?

    ps, if its the cleaning you're trying to cut down on, then a good cleaning crew of snails and hermits may help.
  12. jacknjill

    can someone simplify?

    Well the thing is, saltwater tanks are rarely "easy" to maintain. Even when you have your tank where you want it and are ready to just let it sit and grow, you still have to keep up with water changes, cleaning, water testing, salt levels, bulbs, and if you have corals, most likely you will have...
  13. jacknjill

    What does this mean?

    hahaha alright thanks
  14. jacknjill

    What does this mean?

    Hey guys I was wondering if anyone knew what language this was in and what it means? Sorry the picture quality is not the best, I took it with my phone.
  15. jacknjill

    My turn to say "I told you so"

    Psh you guys are crazy. I live in Boone and uggs are a godsend. Ive got three pairs myself. And they don't smell btw. Unless you have stinky feet, which in that case, all your shoes stink anyways so whats the difference.
  16. jacknjill

    Men and Women, who is superior? You decide.

    Women: without her, man is nothing.
  17. jacknjill

    Got Track Bike?

    Thats so awesome! Congrats on finishing it and your shoulder getting better! Im so jealous. I really want to get my motorcycle license this summer
  18. jacknjill

    What Phone Should I Get?

    Originally Posted by premilove whoa wait no mms? when does that get released?! Dont worry, there is MMS now. The new software update was a couple weeks ago and you will be able to download onto your phone very soon.
  19. jacknjill

    new piercing... what should i get?

    industrialllllll. definately
  20. jacknjill

    The BEST day EVAR!

    That is so awesome! Very cool pattern...if not a little chubby lol. Keep us updated!