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  1. dean1956

    My 6 week old pups

    this guy is done for tonight, answer any questions tomorrow if there are any, take care all.
  2. dean1956

    My 6 week old pups

    In the basement for sure. My wife said no to the pool/bed!
  3. dean1956

    My 6 week old pups

    I would like to have 4-6 in the pond, 2 males and 3 or 4 females and who knows they might mate, but not a high probability though
  4. dean1956

    My 6 week old pups

    I would say they are probably 6" long and getting close to 3" across the disc. They were about 2 1/4" across when they were born and they are male and female.
  5. dean1956

    my 30" white moray and his fat buddy the trigger

    do you know the species of you cool Moray? I saw a Tess. that was 4' and as big around as a mans arm cuddle up to a 10" Miniatus Grouper all day long. That Tess. could have choped that Min. in half but they were buddies I guess.
  6. dean1956

    My 6 week old pups

    i bought this female California Round Ray July 10th and didnt even know she was pregnant untill 6 weeks ago my wife and i cam home from looking at a couple more Rays at a lfs and to our surprise we had to pups waiting for us. Pretty wild huh?
  7. dean1956

    New here Sting Ray help...

    The Ray for sure needs to go or it will be killed by either one of the triggers and any puffers, they will pick the eyes out , tear up the tail till like someone else said "the job is done". All I keep is Cal. Rays and they are so neat to have but in the right setup as you've heard, but we all...
  8. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    I have the California Round Rays and they like cooler water temps like in the mid 60s would be ideal, but mine are in the upper 60s (68-69) cause the pool and pond are on the basement concrete so you dont have to many options as far as fish. I would like to get a Calico Bass or 2 but other than...
  9. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    ironeagle, have you been to Renolds Corals in LaSalle?
  10. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    There about 2 1/2" across
  11. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    I am building a 9' round by 18" deep indoor pond for my rays ( California Round) i wont need to heat it as they like temps in the mid 60s so that should help on the electic bill. As far as I am concerned Rays should be in a pool or pond with plenty of open swimming room. Right now my female ray...
  12. dean1956

    Substrate ?

    I've always liked a sand bottom around 2" or so, dont like the bare bottom either as it makes it look fake. If you are concerned about waste buildup why not have some Narrs. snails and a couple of Wrasse's that bury themselves in the sand and keep it stired up like the Dragon Wrasse that I had...
  13. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    Cortez looks like my California Round. Mine is a hit with my children and grandchildren as it eats out of their hands and now is begging for food by coming up on the side of the pond and curling its lip back so you can drop food to its mouth, really cool we think. Oh after he eats he tares...
  14. dean1956

    Any stingray people on here?

    Its hard to find people who are mostly in to Saltwater Rays so just wondering if any are on here?
  15. dean1956

    My Toadfish Laid Eggs Last Night, What Do I Do !!!!

    scrambled eggs and hot sauce
  16. dean1956

    Sharks?rays? And flonder???

    I have a California Round Ray in a 110 gallon 5' round kiddy pool temporarly for a couple of months and then in to a 700 gallon pond. They are really cool creatures that like people and interact so they need some decent room to swim with at least 20 square feet IMO. The little Tea Cup Rays need...
  17. dean1956

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    I hope that guy isnt using a scotchbrite pad!!
  18. dean1956

    Any Ray doctors?

    California Round
  19. dean1956

    Any Ray doctors?

    looking at the pic, right behind the right eye there is a black spot or dot and there are more in the same area but with out a good camera its hard to see and i know where to look when i look at them alot