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  1. bobwire

    crabs eating snails

    Do Emerald crabs do this too? I know they don't need the shell, but could my ec be the culprit in my mystery (
  2. bobwire

    Color Shifting

    Hey, is it just me or does my emerald crab change colors? I swear that sucker is almost black one day and nearly white the next. Today he seems like pea-green! Am I just imagining this or do they change some?
  3. bobwire

    CSI: Death of Mr. Blenny

    Originally Posted by nctarheels im thinkin cyanide poison. i mean its not all too uncommon and they last for a month or so until they belly up for no reason. were his colors bright about a week before he died? For the most part, his colors had been fading slowly for about two weeks. Since I...
  4. bobwire

    Green algea problems

    First, check to see if a clown fish has placed a small pebble in you're pump. I'm sorry! I couldn't refuse. Post your water test results.
  5. bobwire

    CSI: Death of Mr. Blenny

    Bump! Anyone know?
  6. bobwire

    Best Movie of all time!!!

    BraveHeart! Where else can you get quotes like this? Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and...
  7. bobwire

    Sally Lightfoot. Jekyl or Hyde?

    Don't know about Sally, but I am suspicious of my Emerald. He is a suspect in the death of a bicolor. Check out my CSI: Death of Mr. Blenny post for more info about this suspect.
  8. bobwire

    CSI: Death of Mr. Blenny

    I'm not sure if this is related, but there is some news from this case. I am still unsure of what happened to Mr. Blenny, but I have seen some other deaths in my tank. About four days ago, 2 different Turbo snails have disappeared. All that is left is a ugly empty shell. I am slighty...
  9. bobwire

    Pinguin Bio-Wheel Filter

    I don't understand the big deal on Bio-wheel filtration? I have been using the Emperor 400 Filter for about two and half years. At this point I can say that my levels are just about rock-solid. I don't even get a change when the sand gets stirred on accident. I was a little worried when I...
  10. bobwire

    Cleanup upgrade

    I'm surprised that your emerald isn't knocking the crap out of that stuff. After I got mine, he had reduced my hair algea by half in about a week. He is also the prime suspect in an ongoing investigation of the disappearance of turbo snails. LOL
  11. bobwire

    NASTY sand bed, PLEASE help!!!

    What are your levels (nitrates and so on)?
  12. bobwire

    wow what a night

    Could be worse. You could need a new morge tank
  13. bobwire

    cleaner clam apeared

    Careful digging up too much. Stirring your sand can cause amonia spikes.
  14. bobwire

    saltwater ponds

    Here is a post that I found. These guys got into some detail in this discussion. Good stuff.
  15. bobwire

    saltwater ponds

    Originally Posted by hot883 Hasn't there been threads on here of people taking an above the ground pool and converting it into a shark tank? My 12,000 gallon above ground actually makes chlorine through a process using salt in the water, so I do not think that seals would be an issue. i do not...
  16. bobwire

    CSI: Death of Mr. Blenny

    Originally Posted by puffer32 My bi changed colors all the time, lips would get white, and he would get these stripes on his sides.I had him about 3 or 4 months and he died mysteriously also, one day he was fine, then he just died. He might have been stressed by my midas blenny, but I never saw...
  17. bobwire

    What do you think are the most unusual sea creatures?

    This guy says "I dare you to try and mess with me." The Stone Crab Deep Sea Cockroach - Bathynomis giganteus "charismatic crustacean of the deep sea, Bathynomis giganteus. Imagine a pill bug the size of a small dog (like an Italian greyhound) with amazing compound eyes and gnashing teeth...
  18. bobwire

    saltwater ponds

    I wonder how difficult it would be to convert a heated saltwater pool? The pumps and piping are already in place. You would probably have to upgrade the pump though. What does everyone think?
  19. bobwire

    Has any1 ever seen this ( video)

    Originally Posted by hot883 That was harsh, sorry, but you did not get the hint the FIRST time. Do you have constructive input here, or just want a place to post video's? Good Idea!!! Here you go TriGA22:
  20. bobwire

    TriGA22's stupid Videos

    This is for TriGA22, to have a place to post his funny videos! Have fun dude!!