Search results

  1. wilsonreef

    looking for agood RO/DI

    Just remember, there are several "gallon per day" models out there. From what I've read and asked about the 75 gallon per day is highest output you should shoot for. While the 75 gallon and below bring about 98+ % of pure water the 100 gallon and up models drop well below this number.
  2. wilsonreef

    New RO/DI Question

    Originally Posted by patandlace Thanks for the quick replies. My water temp is very cold(I'm in NH),My tap water tested at 79 ppm and I'm not sure what my water pressure is out of the faucet. I assumed it would filter the water a little slower. Hopefully it will pick up soon. Thanks again...
  3. wilsonreef

    looking for agood RO/DI

    I've had my Typhoon III Extreme for about 2 weeks now....Awsome!! The Typhoon III is (IMO) The best for the money....The Extreme just has more monitors and alert features..
  4. wilsonreef

    What is wrong with my xenia?

    Make sure you don't have any other corals around them that could be sending out their stingers at night. Galaxia is one that is notorious for this even though there are several.
  5. wilsonreef

    Info about Morish Idol

    unfortunately IBZKID15 is in actuality 15 or under, or just can't spell. As far as stressing out the inhabitants of the tank, that too is very immature. Probably messing around in some friends parents tank, that the parents don't know about. I'm guessing that if they had to buy the...
  6. wilsonreef

    Looking for qt in arkansas

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX what part of AR are you in? or you can email me at Mike Hey, mikadee.................!!!!
  7. wilsonreef


    Good, honest advice Acrylic51. I just bought a Typhoon III Extreme. I always used another type of cheap filter and thought I'd be o.k. The more I read and heard other peoples stories the more I decided I need better water quality. Especially if your contemplating a reef tank.
  8. wilsonreef

    Got a SFE

    I had one for a while, when I got it, it was about 8" long and about 1/2" in diameter ( if that big). After about 2 years, it grew to over 20" long and about 1 1/2" in dia. This guy was huge!! Came in from Church one Sunday and there he lay in the floor! It was dry, wasn't moving, so I got a...
  9. wilsonreef

    what kind of lighting for 75 reef?

    I've got a 75 gallon reef and have 2-250 watt MH's (just switched from 10k to 14K) to see if I like the colors better. So far the 14k's really make the colors of the corals really pop! I also have the Orbit with 2 65w dual daylight, and 2 65w dual actinic. I like what I have and haven't had...
  10. wilsonreef

    Question about a RO/DI unit

    I agree with rudezuk, I just purchased the Typhoon III after a lot of reading and asking. Mine is suppose to come in tomorrow ( 2-1-07). Can't wait. Mine is the Typhoon III Extreme. From what I've read They're really good. Mine was around $275 including shipping.
  11. wilsonreef

    Which salt?

    I too use Tropic Marin Pro Reef , and I like it, but of what you've got to pick from I would probably use the IO reef crystals if you've got a reef tank.
  12. wilsonreef

    removing glass anemones? how?

    I still use the boiling hot water thing works great and costs little. You don't have to squirt the water into its mouth, when it retracts just keep pushing the boiling water into the hole it went in. This works really good and doesn't put anything bad into your aquarium.
  13. wilsonreef

    Is this safe...........

    I don't see where they would be a threat, after all that is where they all originated from JMO though..
  14. wilsonreef

    Buying from SWF

    I recently purchased a bottle of Chroma Max, Lugol's, and Phyto Max from this site. Everything came in great except the Lugol's. The other two looked great in their packaging but the Lugol's package was Dk Brown and could hardly read the writing. Inside the bottle's label was also Dk Brown...
  15. wilsonreef

    Snowflake Eel

    You considered correctly....a way to keep your fish is to get ones that are bigger than your eel's mouth, and keep the eel fed. Just remember, your eel is a predator, and when hungry, it will eat!
  16. wilsonreef

    Ordering from SWF

    I just tried to order from SWF and noticed that nowhere does it state that it is a secure site to order from. It does state that it is hacker safe. But the place to put in your credit card numbers did not have the usual "padlock" in the lower part of the window. Does anyone know if this is in...
  17. wilsonreef


    A word of not put your Galaxia within 6 - 8" of anything you might want to keep. They are quite deadly to other corals that they can reach out and sting.
  18. wilsonreef

    WTB: equipment

    The Boothill of MO.....I'm in Jonesboro!!! When you get ready I have an overabundance of pulsing Xenia, Let me know!
  19. wilsonreef

    WTB: equipment

    Originally Posted by Lesli I think I have about everything now except an overflow. I was really looking for something rated for 600gph. Where in SE Missouri? I'm in NE Arkansas. May have some things your interested in. If your doing corals I have a ton of pulsing Xenia. I have a 75 gallon...
  20. wilsonreef

    Live Rock Must Sell

    Originally Posted by MichaelTX Keep it on topic if your not interested in what the guy is selling then dont post this got way out of hand!!!!!!!!!!! also just because a post count is low it doesnt mean the person is knowledgable or not just keep that in mind. There are people with high post...