your second list looks better and for corals if i where you i would keep ricordias, zoos, torch, brain, mushrooms and lighting you should have between 5 to 9 wpg is what i like, I personally like pc if you can't do metal halide
What you could do to keep the water qulity would be hook-up a refugium so that the water would fluctuate less and be a little easier to keep. i had a 2.5 gallon hooked up to a 5 gallon refugium and it ahs been one of my favorite tanks if you can get it up and running reliably it will be very...
Can a stars and stripes pufferfish be kept with a porcupine puffer or will they fight if so is a 90 gallon suitable for atleast a year for the two of them
I am getting 2 250 watt mh and i am going to retrofit them into my canopy, but my ? is if
i have a glass covering and 2 cooling fans and the canopys back is open. will that be enough to prevent the tank from roasting, they are about 5 inches off the water