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  1. stacy

    clean up crew

    Adding a cleanup crew after the tank cycles should o.k. Just make sure the tank has completely cycled before you add them.
  2. stacy

    I'm so confused Please help !!!!

    I use the tetra kit and have gotton a false reading a couple of times. It turned out on both occasions that I just hadn't thouroughly rinsed the test vials after the last use. Just something to check. HTH
  3. stacy

    Angles vs. shrimp

    I have never had a problem with my coral beauty attacking my shrimp. I have him in a 37 gallon with 3 cleaner shrimp and they get along fine. I have never heard of a flame or coral bothering shrimp.
  4. stacy

    Brooklynella Question?

    I should probably have continued this from my previous post "maroon clown dying". What is going on is my maroon clown and tang where in a hospital tank undergoing hypo for ich. Then on sunday I noticed that the clown had white patches of skin coming off him. I was told that this was more than...
  5. stacy

    deflated anemone

    You can buy a test kit to check the oxygen levels. I have a couple of powerheads that point to the top of my tank to aggitate the water at the surface. I was told that this works better than an air stone.
  6. stacy

    deflated anemone

    Mine does this every so often. When he does he lets out this string of gooey stuff. Pretty nasty looking. Then a couple of hrs. later he pops back out. The 1st time I saw this I though he was dying and did a search on this board. From what I've read this seems to be pretty normal. I would keep...
  7. stacy

    Brooklynella Question?

    Also I will add the only medication that I can purchase thats close to formalin is formalite. Formalin is not legal in CA. for some stupid reason. Anyways the LFS said they use this as a dip instead of formalin. Any opinions? This is really frustrating!! I've already lost the maroon, the tang...
  8. stacy

    Brooklynella Question?

    I believe that maybe my main tank had this disease/parasite. I originally moved my fish to q-tank because of ich problem with my tang. I put into one q-tank a marron and tang, the other tank a lawnmower blenny, and cardinal. My maroon clown died before I could get any medication and now my tang...
  9. stacy

    Maroon dying

    Thanks. I normally do only have 1 per q-tank. Just that when I had my ich outbreak I needed to move all fish and space was limited. I'll keep an eye on the other fish.
  10. stacy

    Maroon dying

    Thanks for the reply. Will this spread to the other fish in the q-tank. They currently show no symptoms. I have had the clown for a little over 3 weeks. All of the LFS are closed now so I will go in the morning and get some formalin. Hopefully he will survive the night.
  11. stacy

    Aiptasia Outbreak

    I have found that my peppermints are nocturnal. They hide durring the day. They went right to work on the aptasia. In less than a week all of it was gone. Then they destroyed my ricordia polyps. They'll be going back to the LFS as soon as I have time to tear everything down to catch them.
  12. stacy

    Maroon dying

    I should also add that I did a 25% water change on friday. At that time the nitrites where a bit high .3
  13. stacy

    Maroon dying

    I woke up this morning and noticed that my maroon clown is dying. I am in my 2nd week of hypo. The water params are ammonia 0, nitrate 0, nitrite 0, ph 8.1, salinity 1.009, temp 77. He looks as though he is shedding his skin. He has big patches of skin that have turned white and are coming off...
  14. stacy

    thoughts on fish for a 37 gallon

    I have a 37 gallon and keep 2 false perculas, royal gramma, and a coral beauty. I had the damsels, but they became aggressive, and killed the 1st clowns that I put into the tank.
  15. stacy

    Fish for 220 Gal FOWLR

    I would consider a tang of some sort. I have a powder brown and he is very attractive and active. They are not a very hardy fish as they are prone to ich. Also a butterfly would be a good addition.
  16. stacy


    I have been told that the lowest you can go is 1.007 At this level the fish will not last very long. I am not aware of any adverse affects if kept at these levels for long periods of time. HTH
  17. stacy

    Fish Order from

    I placed an order from here just a couple of weeks ago. I ordered the u-build it kit. I recieved the order with a few days, and the quality was good. The hermits where a bit small, but other than that I was satisfied.
  18. stacy

    major tank problems

    More than likely the fish have ich. You may want to post this in the disease and treatment forum. If you do not already have one you may want to get a q-tank setup. If this is ich you will need to move the fish to a q-tank for treatment.
  19. stacy

    anemone's diet

    I usually add a mix of shrimp, and silver sides as well. I personally don't know if it really matters, but they really like the peices of shrimp.
  20. stacy

    is active carbon needed?

    IMO the only time that you should really need carbon is when you are experiencing water quality problems. Such as high levels of ammonia. That is really the only time that I ever add the carbon.