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  1. senormatt

    I lost all my fish, but would like to know what white stuff is on the glass

    i will try tonight, i'll have to get the big camera out
  2. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    it was a half leaf, i thought it still looked good but when i took it out it was slimy
  3. senormatt

    I lost all my fish, but would like to know what white stuff is on the glass

    My story is here But i am still trying to figure out what this white chalky like stuff is that started accumilating on the glass around the same time sailfin died? if you folks could post all your...
  4. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    I do believe that it was the lettuce also but now in the tank its like a white dust on the glass, it has been getting worse since yesterday. What can cause this white stuff? looking for all angles
  5. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    ok not giving up, just have to convince the wife to not get pissed at me for trying again. So does copper stay in argonite sand?
  6. senormatt

    Ammonia in my water change bucket

    Amonia is in most floor cleaners. have u everused it to clean floors or house a mop
  7. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    did the 50% water change last night removed everything. wake up this morning, they are all dead. well that was a wasted of $1500
  8. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    ok so the LR is toast y save it? Is the sand still good? I'm gonna attempt a 50% change and remove everything but the fish and sand
  9. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    ok I screwed up. i still have fish to try and save. i have to get rid of amonia and trates can i add more amo-lock2 ?
  10. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    never thought of walmart i try to avoid them as much as possible, but go figure they have what i needed
  11. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    no other inverts in the tank except for the living crabs. Ok so i nuked my tank, killed my SAilfin and pretty much killed my hippo cause copper affects the intestines in Tangs, can no longer put inverts in my tank, anyone want to buy a fish tank?
  12. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    I have ordered the copper test and should be at my door within the week
  13. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    I have 40lbs of LR and a scooter who does not seemed to be affected as much as the other 4 fish. The copper was put in 8 days ago
  14. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    No i do not have a QT. I know that the Copper would get in the silicone but everywhere i have read states that the LR will not be affected by the copper.
  15. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    ok I had Turbo snails they died i took em out right away, I have 5 hermits 4 are still alive doing their thing 5th I can not find anywere
  16. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    um yes. I ordered a qt but lfs keeps saying the supplier is out of stock. oh and LFS said to use that and gave me API test kit which does not work for Cupramine
  17. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose my Hippo and Chromis

    Yesterday I checked my levels and amonia was up, fisrt time i've seen that. I removed the piece of lettuce that was in the for 3 days. Amonia was at 0.5 So I performed a water change. So everything was going fine last night went fish world went to bed. This morning my sailfin took its last dive...
  18. senormatt

    Lost my Sailfin about to lose Hippo and chromis...HELP

    Yesterday I checked my levels and amonia was up, fisrt time i've seen that. I removed the piece of lettuce that was in the for 3 days. Amonia was at 0.5 So I performed a water change. So everything was going fine last night went fish world went to bed. This morning my sailfin took its last...
  19. senormatt

    white spots

    Originally Posted by superparadise today i woke up and my yellow tang has small white smooth spots on his body, maybe 5 or so. There are also about 10 white tiny spots on the back glass of the tank. They dont really look like ich from what ive seen in the pics on here. Could it be something...
  20. senormatt

    Why is my live rock turning white? Says the Newbie

    Originally Posted by Yosemite Sam What are your water parameters, including PH, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, salinity, and temperature? Where did you get the rock from? Was is cured? If not, how did you cure it? ph 7.9(i'm trying to fix this with Kent...