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  1. theappe

    2nd Week Cycle, Live Rock, is this normal?

    I dont think that there should be any reason to panic. Just let it do its thing and just be patient. Most of the life on the rock is hidden inside. Maybe you have a lot maybe you dont.
  2. theappe

    DIY 10 gallon Diary

    cant wait to see the new one. the did u silicone the edges for the leaks?
  3. theappe

    Something interesting (coincidence maybe)

    I live in miami and the other day I go to a reef store in sw 40 ave and when I take a look at their business card its got Steve Weast's reef on there. I went to Steve's website and it was the same exact picture. I wonder if he knows about? :thinking:
  4. theappe

    Azfishgal New Tank Diary!

    before you start to hypo, do you have any corals in your tank yet? If you dont then you can go with another cure thats not reef safe. (correct me if im wrong) Another thing that you might want to look at, is the REASON why your clowns have ich. What stressed them?
  5. theappe

    10g Tank Diary

    Well Ive always wanted to do a tank diary, but didnt have a new tank to set up. So over the weekend my g/f decided to get a tank so we are gonna set up a 10g nano. So here is a startup pic. <sorry for the crappy pics. using a cell phone> :joy:
  6. theappe

    29 Biocube--A Work in Process

    looks good!
  7. theappe

    Shaving Brush Plant

    I have easy access to a lot of these plants. I was told that they are good plants to stick in a fuge due to their reduction in nutrients. Anyone can confirm this or have exp with them?
  8. theappe

    Clearing up water?

    all i have is the live rock that i got this past weekend. im gonna try and run some carbon see what happens.
  9. theappe

    Pics of my new 150 gallon tank!

    looking good
  10. theappe

    filters for nanos?

    Originally Posted by bigarn lol ... that's ok. HOB= Hang On Back .... I've always liked Millenium (sp) filters. Milleniums are really good filters. I have one and I love it.
  11. theappe

    Clearing up water?

    Im starting a new 5gal tank and im running on a HOB fuge as filtration. When I added the sand the water got really murky. Its been a day or two and its still murky. Now im no newbie but I really dont have much exp. with fuge filtration. Is this normal or is there something else I can do?
  12. theappe

    For trade or $$$ (huge colt)

    i already have a branching hammer. Any zoos or something of that nature?
  13. theappe

    For trade or $$$ (huge colt)

    colt corals basically take care of themselves. its like the ultimate beginner coral. on a scale of 1 to 10....1.
  14. theappe

    2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.

    looking good.
  15. theappe

    For trade or $$$ (huge colt)

    bump!!! Anyone in miami?
  16. theappe

    SunPaq vs Reg. Lighting

    thanks for the help. I guess i'll be changing from coralife to sunpaqs :)
  17. theappe

    my paly/zoo collection

  18. theappe

    Just A Warning (carpet anemone)

    this thread is great...lmfao!
  19. theappe

    Some new pics of my 12g aquapod

    very nice
  20. theappe

    2.5g super reef! it'll be huge.

    Cant wait to see it finished.