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  1. kaotik

    Are refractometer's worth it?

    Okay, now Im even more confused... I have been doing some research and have found that Milwaukee makes one of the best but they are in the $100 price range. There are also the less expensive versions like this site sells for about half the price. I have heard that these are not as accurate as...
  2. kaotik

    Aragonite sand from Home Depot?

  3. kaotik

    Best Star Fish for Cleanup?

    how old is your tank??
  4. kaotik

    30g cleanup crew help

    i dont think Id include the Nassarius snails until your tank is a little more established though.
  5. kaotik

    Aclimating metods

    There is such thing as a "DIP" method. Thats when you take the fish and dip it in freshwater for like 5 minutes to kill of any parasites before you put it in your tank. I have never done this, just heard of it. I recommend using the "DRIP" acclimation procedure on the left blue bar of this site...
  6. kaotik

    Ocellaris Clownfish and hosting anemone

    But if you are insistant on getting one, I would go with either carpet or BTA for Ocellaris.
  7. kaotik

    Ocellaris Clownfish and hosting anemone

    diablo...if I were you I would not bother with an anemone. For one...there is no guarantee that your clowns will even make the switch to the anem from the toadstool. They may not even want anything to do with it. Another is that your anem will most likely harm/sting your corals. Third is that...
  8. kaotik

    Aragonite sand from Home Depot?

    oaky...that is a lot cheaper!! Can anyone explain this "vinegar test" so I can get the cheap stuff too!! :joy:
  9. kaotik

    Ready for my clowns yet?

    most likely.
  10. kaotik

    my plastic base has cracked, does it matter?

    the plastic ring usually keeps the tank level, so if one side is broken, the tank will be leaning in that direction which will put more strain on that side of the tank seals which in time could lead to a leak. I would also wonder if the glass is cracked underneath the plastic. If the crack is...
  11. kaotik

    Aragonite sand from Home Depot?

    is that play sand much cheaper than a bag of NON-live sand from your LFS?
  12. kaotik

    Are refractometer's worth it?

    yeah, i found a couple on an "auction site" too. Actually the same one that ReefNut suggested. Thinking about getting that one.
  13. kaotik

    What's a good clean up crew?

    by "predators" what do you mean? i only ask because triggers will eat your clean up crew.
  14. kaotik


    :jumping: WELCOME!! :jumping: This is an EXCELLENT place for you to start with the hobby. I wish I had known about this forum when I first started! Good Luck and have Fun!! Give us some info on what you are starting with and what you are planning... :happy:
  15. kaotik

    Domino Damsel & LTA???

    Has anyone ever heard of a LTA hosting a Domino Damsel?? I read that Dominos will pair with almost any anemone. Is this true?? heres the link...
  16. kaotik

    Help BTA in overflow

    thats what i thought too but i always thought that anems liked flow?? guess not.
  17. kaotik

    10g update what do u think "" Progress Pics""

    try uploading them in a new reply...
  18. kaotik

    Help BTA in overflow

    my stupid LTA moved again and got sucked into another slotted intake that I had to cut open to get him out. It happened when i first got him so i put sponges on all my intakes. I noticed that they were severly restricting the flow and my tank was getting cloudy. So i figured since my anem hadnt...
  19. kaotik

    new pics what you think

    looks great!! that is one BIG chromis you got there!
  20. kaotik

    Question about my Yellow Tang

    unless you have a fairly large tank, i would not suggest getting another tang. Do you have other fish in with the tang? How big is your tank?