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  1. crzyfshygy


    I was quoting Wayne Shang from the book "The Captive marine Aquarium" This guy has been doing Salt water tanks for 20 years. He now has a 700gl Acro tank that is unbelievable. Acros that are 2-3 feet wide....he also says that in a study at a university they proved that the highest coral...
  2. crzyfshygy

    Is this web site on the frits or is me!!!

    No pics or anything just "x" all over the place!!!!
  3. crzyfshygy


    3.5 is always my new batch 9.8 DKH thats with 1.026 SG
  4. crzyfshygy


    :thinking: I just read in a book that excessive amounts of ALAGE cause a excessive organic acids in the aquarium, which in turn will lower ALK. That is something I was not aware of!!! I have a good amount of Macroalage in my tank like Caulerpa and a frilly red alage that is quite attractive...
  5. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    I would have to agree in a full SPS reef!!! All though in a mixed reef....the system could benefeit from phyto and its safe to say that some SPS corals will consume phyto.
  6. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 Bivalves, zooplankton, sponges, tunicates, some gorgonians, dusters, etc. Filter feeders in general. Protein skimmers love to chug that stuff too. For one, SPS aren't filter feeders and the polyps are carnivorous. Yellow tangs are herbivours, however mine eats...
  7. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    Not if you unplug it I have feed zoo in the past and I am not totally convinced that sps will eat that more than phyto due to the size.....I am probably wrong though...I have just never seen it. Can any one recoment a good all around food to feed a mixed reef?
  8. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    Originally Posted by ViPeR_930 What for? LPS, SPS, and most soft corals can't even eat DT's phyto. Fish can't eat it either, they smell it in the water. After feeding....they kinda look like they at a turkey dinner
  9. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    I think Julian Sprung might know a little bit about corals.........Don't you :notsure:
  10. crzyfshygy

    Are You Feeding DT'S Phytoplankton?

    If so How much do you feed weekly and what types of corals do you think like it. Julian Sprung writes in his book "Corals A Quick Reference Guide" That almost all corals soft and stony eat phytoplankton including SPS corals.
  11. crzyfshygy

    BioBall question

    ETSS skimmer rock!!!! I have one and it kills nitrates
  12. crzyfshygy

    Freakin Emerald Crab......UHHHHHH dang it!!

    lol...... Good one!
  13. crzyfshygy

    Freakin Emerald Crab......UHHHHHH dang it!!

    Originally Posted by FISHY7 I am feeling he ran out of food, so what is next? some yummy polyps. That is a great excuse for your daughter. I do have a suggestion.... They love green bubble algae. Buy a piece of LR with a bunch on it. I bet he does not touch any other stuff in your tank...
  14. crzyfshygy

    Freakin Emerald Crab......UHHHHHH dang it!!

    I have 2 emeralds in the tank to help with bubble algae and the bigest one is always crawling on my corals and nibbling on them. Its driving me nuts. He used to hang out in my Digitata and damaged it really bad with his claws no he was on my Pocillapora and nibbling on that. I have to get him...
  15. crzyfshygy

    Cyclopeeze users I need some help!!

    Did you say your polyps were out when the lights are off? mine are pretty well closed at that time. And when you say you feed at night does that mean ....tank night...or nightime outside???
  16. crzyfshygy

    Cyclopeeze users I need some help!!

    No, I do mean the frozed bar. I did feed it today to see what the deal was and my fish were running around like maniacs trying to catch it. What do you mean distended? How big is your tank and what ypes of corals do you have??
  17. crzyfshygy

    Cyclopeeze users I need some help!!

    I bought this stuff for my SPS corals and do not really know how to use it. How much do I feed (65gl)? When do you feed? ( day or night) How often do you feed it?? It looks like it just making a mess of the tank.....I could really use some experience here. Thanks
  18. crzyfshygy

    400w MHs over a 55g?

    Sounds awesome......I would do it in a second!!!! Imagine, run perfect water conditions, make sure you have a yellow tang in the tank for alge control, be very careful of your nutient level by running a good skimmer and do not feed so much. Make sure you have a good clean up crew, LIGHTS...
  19. crzyfshygy

    I need to ask this question again!!!

    Green star polyps???