Well tomorrow id the big day......I'm getting married!!! I'm a bit nervous and just wanted to relieve some stress by posting on the site. Plus, we leave for FL on Sunday.......everyone pray that the hurricane doesn't mess up or honeymoon.....see you when i get back!!!!:D
it's not to churchy, but yes it does follow the bible to the T. It is a very brutle version of the bible. I'm not a big church goer and i still thought the movie very well done. You should see it.
That spiked stuff looks like a macro algae, the red stuff looks like cynobacteria. is the tank near a window??? You need to get your trates down to zero. Tell me about your tank a little more, substrate, filter, PH, etc........
yes you should use sand, the sand will make the appearence and health of your tank a lot better. like you said the CC traps NO's, the LS will also act as a bio filter coupled along with some live rock. Hope it helped a bit.
Would that be too much over my 20g nano reef, i have a 130w over it now but i want to get MH over it to keep some of the harder corals, sps and maybe some small maxima's. would 280 be over kill???
Holmes is the best, Shaun Alexander, Ahmand Green, Duce Staley, in the first round you want to pick up two rb's and then a reciever a good qb should still be left in the 4th and 5th rounds, Manning and Culpepper are the top rated fantasy qb's. good luck!!!