Search results

  1. caz2022

    my spotted moray

    I feel your pain Crypt. My dusky pygmy rattler bite me once and I had problems for for a couple weeks!! They may be small but damn did she mess my hand up!! My Mangrove snake wasnt so bad-lost all felling in my hand for a while. Luckily my 3.5' (tail included) savhanna monitor never got a...
  2. caz2022 also NEED IDEAS ALSO!!!!!!

    Where did he go?
  3. caz2022

    Muliple Frog fish?

    I'll post some pics in few days-once the new guys a little more comfortable. He's just hiding behind a rock. The strawberry hermit went right to work digging through the sand happily munching away. The hermit has three anemones growing on his shell. They dont look like aptasia or mojano...
  4. caz2022

    Muliple Frog fish?

    Well I picked up a "green" angler at a lfs today. Im being a little risky and not QTing him. Three reasons for this: 1-QT is being used right now. 2-He's the Only fish going in the tank. 3-the store is very reputable, I've never had a problem with anything I've ever gotten from there. I do...
  5. caz2022

    Muliple Frog fish?

    id definitly be getting them at the same time-ordering from here
  6. caz2022

    Muliple Frog fish?

    another quick question. If I cant keep 2 of them, what other critter could I keep in the 75 with one?
  7. caz2022

    Muliple Frog fish?

    Im wondering if I could keep 2 Frogfish in a 75 gal together. If so would it be better to have the same spcie of should I have two different kinds? Im thinking bout ordering from this site so it appears I'd only be able to get the Zebra. Would that limit me to only one?
  8. caz2022

    Battle to the death?

    I had the same thing happen to me! I had a V. lion, Porcy, Yellow Tang, and an orge toad fish in my 125. I lost power for about an hour the other night and heard a bunch of splashing from the tank. When the lights came on my V. lions dorsals were all broken off and my puffers left eye was...
  9. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    Well I made the drive down there to pick up my eel only to find out that a new guy sold it on me!! Im pissed!! I had my heart set on the jeweled moray! Anyone know of a reputable place to order one from? The only one I found was 250.00-thats a far cry from 50.00
  10. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    Originally Posted by crypt keeper fast fish. suggestions?
  11. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    Originally Posted by Salt Life a mix of damsels or chromis nice-some schooling and no big investment should they be a midnight snack. damsels won't be to mean for him?
  12. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    So what kind of fish could I keep with him(in a 75 gal)?
  13. caz2022

    4 inch hermit crab

    Originally Posted by lil.guppy My huge hermit ate my hard coral. Hopefully you dont have any in there new avitar?
  14. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    You may have it there crypt. Reading up on the jeweled it says they start out brown and turn black as they mature (the one I saw was definitly black and the pic is more brown) and the head is spot on! So my next question is this-I have a 55 up and running to house his in and a 75...
  15. caz2022

    Calling all eel specialists!!

    Im looking for an id on an eel. Just to make it hard on you-I have no photo of it. The one I saw was about 1.5' black with white spots (kinda). It had a head similar to a Dragon Moray minust the "horns". Its not in the list on this sites fish page. Im hoping someone can help because my LFS...
  16. caz2022

    Smahing Live Rock

    Thats a great looking backdrop. The Great Stuff doesnt leech anything into the water? Did you post a thread on how you did it? If so could you link it? It's gotta be cheaper than smashing my live rock and siliconing it to my overflow.
  17. caz2022

    To bangaii or not to bangaii

    Originally Posted by mabena scooter mcgaven is awesome..Hes my fav fish. Since ive had him he has doubled in size. always eats the mysis and the pods on my rocks! He's the most active fish in my tank and people are always putting down having a scooter.. Would never trade!! Not putting down...
  18. caz2022

    Having a hard time

    Thanks for the info. I dont know what else it could be for-its in the bottom of the tank inside the overflow
  19. caz2022

    Having a hard time

    I'm having a hard time finding the right sized bulkhead for my return line. The hole thats in the tank measures exactly 1 inch in diameter. Anyone know what size bulkhead that requires?
  20. caz2022

    Smahing Live Rock

    I totally agree about it being expensive. I would'nt even of considered it except that i have a 50 gal tote full of it in the basement. My wife would be very happy to have it off of her stationary tub (not to mention using up her outlets by the laundry)