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  1. pebbles

    40 gal additions ?

    Hello! I have a 40 gal aquarium up since 2-2005 37lbs of LR, 4 scarlet hermit crabs, 2 turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, have had 2 Percula Clowns - Aquacultured and 1 jawfish since 4-16-05. Temp 76-78, sg 1.023 (because of jawfish), ph 8.1-8.3, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate ? everytime I test...
  2. pebbles


    I may be wrong but I had 4 snails 2 died I could tell they weren't doing well not sticking to the glass etc.. now this was a 2-3 mo old tank IMO they were starving I feed a forth of a seaweed sheet per week now & the other 2 snails seem to be doing fine. (they find & eat the seaweed like...
  3. pebbles

    I have a Aiptasia what's so bad about them?

    OK HE WAS SOMETHING TO LOOK AT!!!!!!!! As everyone said I now have a ton of them in my tank!!!!! I bought an emerald crab last week I'll post again if he controls them. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! My brother has a 125gal tank & said he's never had a aiptasia get as big as mine is & it's only...
  4. pebbles

    suggestion for jawfish digging in back

    Update: I've had my jawfish 5 mos now he's still in the front of the tank he likes to watch what's going on in the tank. He comes all the way out of the hole to eat & isn't as scared when people come upto the tank. When his den occationally falls in he always gets out I was afraid he would...
  5. pebbles

    Percula clown turning dark

    Update: 9-2005 My clown is now almost all orange again & she does pick on the male more then he picks on her.
  6. pebbles

    jawfish & sand sifters

    I have a 40 gal tank with 37lbs of live rock started 2-2005. I've had a jawfish for about 6 mos he's doing great, has his den in the front of the tank. I want to get some sand sifters either crabs, snails, or maybe in another 6mos+ a starfish. Will they bother the jawfish? or collapse his den...
  7. pebbles

    I have a Aiptasia what's so bad about them?

    Thanks for your posts!!!
  8. pebbles

    I have a Aiptasia what's so bad about them?

    do you think they will hurt my jawfish?? I dont have any corals, but want to get mushrooms sometime in the next year.
  9. pebbles

    I have a Aiptasia what's so bad about them?

    I found a Aiptasia on a live rock I have in my tank (I've seen pic's and am 99% sure that's what it is I kinda like it, why does everyone want to kill them??? I do have a jawfish & wouldnt want it to get hurt but the only other 2 fish I have are clowns. It's only a 40 gal tank so I'm not going...
  10. pebbles

    How to Raising Salinity??

    I would like to raise my salinity higher then 1.023 but I have a jawfish and from what I've read 1.023 is as high as I can go. I am using a swing arm, but will check on the refractometer though. I wouldnt add salt to the tank just the 5 gal of water I'll be adding to the tank for the water...
  11. pebbles

    How to Raising Salinity??

    I have a 40gal tank I do 5 gal water changes and I get my water from the lfs. I'm trying to keep my salinity - 1.023-.024 but the water I get from the lfs is .021 do you have any suggestions on how much salt to add to raise it to .023 - .024? ( I got salt from my brother who has a saltwater tank...
  12. pebbles

    Photo/Posting Pics Frequently Asked Questions

    I can't see pic on some threads there's a paperclip showing an attachment & others seem to be able to see the pic but I dont here's an example Thanks for the help
  13. pebbles

    Photo/Posting Pics Frequently Asked Questions

    I can't see pic on some threads there's a paperclip showing an attachment & others seem to be able to see the pic but I dont here's an example Thanks for the help
  14. pebbles

    White tentacles coming from LR???

    I have several fine white tentacles coming out of my live rock there is a little white "flower" looking thing that they are coming from (I'd get a pic if I could but where they are I cant get a good pic) anyway I was wondering what it is, does it get bigger is it good or bad? Thanks
  15. pebbles

    What fish should I get for 40g?

    I have 2 clowns & a jawfish in a 40 gal thought I would just love the clowns & do but the jawfish is more fun to watch.
  16. pebbles

    Percula clown turning dark

    yeah only one fish is changing color & it's from just under the fins all the way to the top & from end to head. I've had my water levels tested at the lfs because my nitrates always seem to be high 20 - 40 on the test kit I have but I take it in and they say it's 10. I do 5 gal water changes...
  17. pebbles

    Percula clown turning dark

    I bought 2 Percula clowns (tank bred) from this site 4-13-05 I took pictures when I 1st got them they were both orange now one has the top half turning dark (this one gets bitten & chased away by the all orange one when I feed them). Is this normal or a sign that he's sick? he seems fine &...
  18. pebbles

    low light host for clown?

    the live rock is about 16" in most places. Even if they dont end up hosting in it at least it'll look good. Any suggestions on low light corals?
  19. pebbles

    low light host for clown?

    :needhelp: Can anyone give me a suggestion on a low light host for (tank bred) Percula Clown? I have a 40gal 23inch high tank with 1 natural & 1 marine glo(20W) (50 lux) aquarium lamps. (it says ideal for salt water aquariums, corals, invertebrates) Anyway I know my clowns dont need a host but...
  20. pebbles

    Is 3 clowns to much for a 40High?

    my brother had 3 clowns in a 125gal & after about a year 2 of the clowns had picked on the smallest one so bad that he stressed out & died (the smallest one was the 1st to take to an anemone until the other 2 kicked him out) I've also read that you need a pretty big tank to have more the 2...