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  1. humuhumu

    SF Aquarium

    It's been over 35 years since the first time I went to the San Francisco Aquarium. Some of the exhibits are still exactly the same as I remember them as a kid, but the saltwater, especially the reef exhibits have come a long ways.
  2. humuhumu

    125 or 150 gallon?

    Go big! If you don't feel that your skills as a carpenter are that great, you can always commission a cabinet maker for a custom stand and top.
  3. humuhumu

    Could'nt believe it!

    Hey doodle, I have no idea.
  4. humuhumu

    Puffer questoin

    I have the same type of puffer as the 2 pictured above. I disagree completely about size and growth rate. Mine has grown from 3 inches to over 6 inches in the the nine months that I have had him. He is an agressive feeder and gets more than his share. His diet is mostly krill, squid, shrimp...
  5. humuhumu

    Could'nt believe it!

    At this web site you can get 10 for $34.99
  6. humuhumu

    My New Friend!

    Actually I have had first hand experience with one while diving. I lived in the tropics for several years and use to collect all my own fish. I didn't see the mantis, he thought that my finger was dinner and laid it wide open for me in a split second. Lesson learned; be careful.
  7. humuhumu

    OT: Joining the Airforce

    I retired from navy special forces after 20 years. It was the best job I could ever ask for, not to mention the benifit of seeing the world several times over. Like they say, it's not just a job, it's an adventure! And not to pick one force over the other, my brother did 20 years in the air...
  8. humuhumu

    I have no clue whats wrong and im scared!

    As I said before, STRESS! Number one killer of saltwater fish and men over 40. I agree 100% with adding a protine skimmer. I also use a CPR on my 20gal reef. Ive been using it for about 5 years now and have never had a problem with it. I also agree with cnlight, if you want to keep anemones you...
  9. humuhumu

    I have no clue whats wrong and im scared!

    ERG, sounds like you might have put your fish to the stress test and they failed, being that 29 gallons isn't very much space compared to the fishes natural enviorment. I'll assume that you had at least 5 being that 4 are dead and that your tang is still alive. Most saltwater fish are still...
  10. humuhumu


    Which ship were you on? I was on the Connie way back when...
  11. humuhumu

    dose live rock grow coral from it

    While living in the islands, I collected some of my own live rock. There was no visable coral when I collected it but after a couple of months I hade coral polyps on the glass and some of the rocks. Unfortunatly I had to return to the States and I returned my catch to the sea.
  12. humuhumu

    harlequin tusk

    You have baby fish that will grow large and more aggressive as they get older. The combination you have choosen will be a problem some day. Do yourself a favor and forget the harliquin tusk.
  13. humuhumu

    clown trigger or niger trigger

    I've had a chance to view both of these animals in the wild. Nigers are social, grathering in large groups. Remember there is plenty of space for the weak to retreat in the ocean. Clowns are much more territorial and grow considerably larger. Cost wise, it doesn't sound like you have much...