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  1. striker

    Here is Stanley

    They grow close to 16-18inches in size and will definitely release a toxin if threatened or killed. Special care is definitely required for this guy.
  2. striker

    Ot- Nfl Superbowl

    I didn't think they had a chance in hell in the beginning of the season but I think the JETS are heading all the way. I've never seen them play this hot, especially with Chad Pennington leading the way.
  3. striker

    Thoughts on not using a filter or a skimmer

    I'm sorry but I'm a little skeptical. If you had a refugium with caulerpa like nacl-h20 and more lr I'd say it was ok to go without a filter and a skimmer. Cyno and hair algae are sure signs of a system with problems. Especially with a heavy bio-load and so little lr. I'd add the skimmer...
  4. striker

    29 gallon pics

    What kind of coral is that???
  5. striker

    Happy New Year

    Salud y feliz anos nuevos de Nueva York. :D I hope I spelled that right. I'm not very good at my spanish. Translation: Cheers and Happy New Year from NYC!
  6. striker

    flame angel

    Constantly grazing on the algae on the rocks and glass. Hearty appetite! Eats brine shrimp, flakes, algae mix, seaweed mix and small pieces of silverslides. Mine didn't eat for the first week but got used to his surroundings and started gorging everything.
  7. striker

    Last Time??

    :D vho:D vho:D vho! I wish I could do it over again and get 4 bulbs:( .
  8. striker

    Lighting ???

    Check out for ice-cap vho hoods and ice-cap info. I bought my lights from them.
  9. striker

    Quit Smoking!!!!!

    Sorry to hear that fish-dewd. My aunt passed away last year. Hopefully our next generation will be better educated and equipped to fight off the urge of even starting the nasty habit.
  10. striker

    How much can i fit in my tank?

    Deep sand bed(3-4 inches) and tons of lr (65lbs) has helped my tank tremendously this time around. Top offs with distilled water and plenty of movement has kept mostly everything healthy and bad algae under control. I have a wide variety of cleanup crew in my tank. starfish, crabs, snails...
  11. striker

    How much can i fit in my tank?

    Some more live rock would help. Do you have sand or crushed coral? A good skimmer for that size tank IMO would be a bakpak or remora. What type of mechanical filtration with water fall are you talking about? If you want to make it into a reef tank you'll want less fish. 1 inch per 5 gallons...
  12. striker

    Sally Lightfoot in danger?

    I have a sally and a damsel. Never had trouble with either one. Sally's always eating away at algae and blue damsel just swims back and forth. These guys will sometimes give a tank trouble but it's best to give them a chance and not to panic and get rid of them. Keep an eye on them and if...
  13. striker

    Quit Smoking!!!!!

    I hope the mods don't mind. It is a positive thing. It will show how many people want to quit and how addictive and depressing the habit truly is.
  14. striker

    Quit Smoking!!!!!

    I see there are a few smokers on here and I know it's hard as hell to quit so I thought it would be easier with a little support. I'm going to quit on DEC 31 and will update my progress every day or two on this post. Anyone that wants to join in please do so. It's tough to do on your own so I...
  15. striker

    OT-New Year resolutions!

    I'll go with the majority and try to quit smoking. There are other things I'd like to improve on but that's the main one. For all you smokers out there check out my thread "lets quit smoking" so we could do it together and keep eachother posted.
  16. striker

    Fish color

    Flame hawk - might eat small inverts Flame angel - needs mature tank, only add after tank has been established for 6 months
  17. striker

    what can go with my damsels

    What are clames? Do you mean clams or flames? If you mean clams what type of lighting do you have?
  18. striker

    What's a good lighting setup for a 29g

    I have 180 watts of vho in my 29 gallon. If I could do it over again I'd go for mh+vho or mh+pc combo. That way you'd get to keep almost anything. It costs more but well be worth it.
  19. striker

    Decorator crab question

    Mine decorated himself with my brown polyps one day after acclimating.
  20. striker

    need help with flame angel

    It starts turning clear, white and translucent. I had a bunch of it but had to remove it. Feather didn't last in my tank either.