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  1. fishy7

    plumbing question

    I am pluming a tank with 4 drains and 4 returns. I was going to hard plumb everyting, but if there is any issues with the tank then I have to take apart all the plumbing. The returns: Hard plumb from the pump to just below the bulkhead. Attach a barb on the bulkhead and barb on the hard...
  2. fishy7

    ok to use this?

    Thank you.
  3. fishy7


    I used a sixline and a target manderin. It takes time, but they get the job done. Watch your feeding also. MrX also has great advice.
  4. fishy7

    time to call the exterminator...

    Originally Posted by saltn00b do you talk to him about the kind of spray? what does he spray for? At first I did, but he simply said if any gets in the tank, it will most likely = disaster. so he is very careful.
  5. fishy7

    Curing Live Rock

    got it thanks
  6. fishy7

    time to call the exterminator...

    I have an exterm guy come in and spray the entire house except for the tank area. I turn a/c and fans off till he is done so it will not become airbourne. This seems to work for me.
  7. fishy7

    Curing Live Rock

    I have 100lbs of LR that needs to be cured. I have it in a Brute container with a powerhead. I do not have an extra skimmer. How often should I change out the water and how long to cure? Thanks for the help!
  8. fishy7

    44 Gallon Hex Reef

    Hey Jerry, nice looking tank and cute kitty. I have always wanted a hex or pent, but have not sold the wife on it yet. ha ha ha ha Just a word of caution with the pom pom xenia, it took over my tank. A friend gave me one little pice the size of a thumb. 1 year later this is what I eneded up...
  9. fishy7

    Found my B Naso

    I have been looking around for my B Naso. It took a while. He is doing well and eats like a pig!
  10. fishy7

    Need some moving tips!!!!

    I would replace the sand. It will no doubt give you an amonia spike with the other.
  11. fishy7

    Best fish book

    Any suggestion on a good all around fish book? I have Fenners book, but looking for fish only. Thank you
  12. fishy7

    water change = stress?

    I bought 4 clowns/2 scopas/naso last monday. I have been feeding every day and all were looking real good. No ick no nothing. On Saturday morning I did a water change on my big tank and did a 10gallon change on my 200 where I have the new fish. The temp, alk and ph matched the tank. The...
  13. fishy7

    Frog spawn coral acting crazy

    Appears the light is to much for the little guy. How close is he to the lights?
  14. fishy7

    Best anemone for 1st timers?

    I tried to add an anemone at the 6 month mark and I did not have luck till after 1 year. Water tested perfect but they died. Just wanted to share.
  15. fishy7

    False Percula mixing with a large Maroon

    Hey 95 I was able to do it in my 215. I have a pair of GSM's which host an anemone and have been in the tank for 2 years. I introduced a pair of very small perks on the opposite end of the tank and left the lights off for 2 days. She did find the perks but they host my hammer which is next to...
  16. fishy7

    Never fails with new fish for me

    Thank you for the advice.
  17. fishy7

    Never fails with new fish for me

    I brought home a powder Blue and a sailfin and they are covered with spots. This tank has been set up for 4 months now and has no fish, 150lbs of LR and 3" sb, 4 cleaner shrimp and 50 hermits. This is a 208 gallon frag tank. 48X48X20 This is my procedure: Bring home. Drip acclimate for 3...
  18. fishy7

    Fish stock option for 500gal reef

    Thanks for the suggestion. I pull back on the tangs and up some of the other fish.
  19. fishy7

    Fish stock option for 500gal reef

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Is the display 500gals? Or is it a "500gal system?" Tank is a 561 but with rock and other stuff ...500