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  1. fishy7

    purple reef lobster

  2. fishy7

    Ick?? Pop Eye?? Body Fungus??

    Hey CJ, Ick is a pain in the but and that is pretty much sums it up. I have lost fish to ick but quickly learned a few tricks and have never lost a fish since. I bought 3 new fish about 2 months ago. 1 1/4' naso 7" purple 3" sailfin All were looking real good for about 2 days then the next...
  3. fishy7

    my Nsao has a cloudy eye

    it is not popped out just cloudy. I have seen this before on other fish but usually clears up, but not this time? May need to prepare for the next step of treatment!
  4. fishy7

    my Nsao has a cloudy eye

    It has been that way for 2 months. Can they get cataracts? I have had fish in the past that have had this happen/plenty of vitamins and they are cured but not this time.
  5. fishy7

    purple reef lobster

    could not figure out why all my hermits and all my shrimp are gone gone gone gone. stupid move on my part.
  6. fishy7

    Anybody use whole dried seaweed leaves instead of nori?

    YES it is the same as nori. They make a killer profit on these sheets. I have not seen the full leaves, but i have not been looking either. I just simply buy the 10"x10" sheets and works like a dream. They chow down on this stuff like it was the last food on the planet.
  7. fishy7

    purple reef lobster

    Thank you, I was afraid of that!
  8. fishy7

    purple reef lobster

    Do you think he could be eating my shrimp? I used to have 4 bloood shrimp, now i do not have any??? He is about 3-4 Inches. Thank you
  9. fishy7

    Anybody use whole dried seaweed leaves instead of nori?

    I used to pay $20-$30 for bags of seaweed sheets at my LFS. I have been going to the asian market for about a year now and getthing the same amount for $6. I get the regual sheets of seaweed made for sushi. Just make sure it is dried and not seasoned. My fish love it and did not miss a beat!
  10. fishy7

    Is this enough lighting?

    The tank 96X36X36 3 Sundial HQI Pendants (1) 250W HQI and (2) 32W Actinics? For corals it will have mushrooms/hammers/zoos. Thank you
  11. fishy7

    big old sand storm

    I just started a new tank and the sand storm has not settled down. I was going to add a filter sock on the end of the drain any other ideas?
  12. fishy7

    Anyone in TX, OK, MS or AR selling LR?

    I'm setting up a new tank and need 300-400lbs of LR... Looking to pick it up.
  13. fishy7

    premium live rock, 2.00 lb

    Hi Do you still have LR FS? I am needing large pieces. How much for all your LR?
  14. fishy7

    live rock for sale make offer

    Originally Posted by crush4989 Thanks metcalf, he is also a great person to deal with. Very honest. Thanks keith by the way i still have close to 75 lbs left for 2.50 a lbs. Hey Crush you have any large pieces and what state are you located?
  15. fishy7

    Ever have one of "those" nothing goes right weekends?

    Originally Posted by NETimreefer and your sump cracked? bad night The sump is not cracked but keeps leakding around the BH
  16. fishy7

    Ever have one of "those" nothing goes right weekends?

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 so the pump housing exploded? Sure did as I was screwing in the [hr] . I did not apply any major pressure either.
  17. fishy7

    Ever have one of "those" nothing goes right weekends?

    It started 2 weeks ago when the 4 month old 75 gal refuge started to let go. One of the baffles that holds the sand and MM in place came loose. I planned on next weekend to resolve the issue. On Friday it completely let go and sent a lot of the sand and MM into the display. So next weekend just...
  18. fishy7

    Refuge broke what to do

    I bought a new refugium 4 months ago and one of the baffles broke sending all my sand and MM all over the display. I have to return for repair what should I do with all of the sand and MM? Thanks
  19. fishy7

    aqua c ev180

    I have great luck with the Aqua C skimmers. I use the EV180 on my 200 gal frag tank I use the EV240 on my 215 Show stank I use the EV1000 on my 561 show tank The EV180 is really a small unit but it gets the job done. I do not mess with adjustments on any of them after they are running at full...