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  1. fishy7

    Slight water issues need advice.

    Originally Posted by petjunkie There's no proof xenia even needs iodine, just a theory and many people have no problem keeping it without and iodine can be deadly if overdosed. I would stick to regular water changes instead. For the calcium I would try raising your alk a bit, your mg seems...
  2. fishy7

    Slight water issues need advice.

    Originally Posted by spanko Can't help you as I really don't know anything about dosing iodine. Maybe you need a new or better test kit? Thanks for the help. This test is new well 3 months with an exp date of 02/10
  3. fishy7

    Slight water issues need advice.

    Originally Posted by spanko Why are you dosing iodine? Normally a well regulated water change schedule will replenish Iodine to the level required. I have 2 large fields of xenia... 3' X 1'.
  4. fishy7

    Slight water issues need advice.

    I have way to much xenia and I add 2 drops a week of Lugolos. I use a Salifert iodine test kit but never get a reading on it. I have taken a cup of water and added a drop to my testing solution to see if the kit actually works and I get an off the chart reading. I do 20% water changes every 3...
  5. fishy7

    My coraline algae is turning white

    I did add some new corals over the past few weeks. I tested the water and this is what I came up with: CA 350 Alk 10 SG 1.025 PH 8.3 Mag 1300 Trates 2 Trites 0 Amm 0
  6. fishy7

    My coraline algae is turning white

    Thanks guys for the direction. I will give the water a quick check tonight. I recently did a water change and pretty much all things are looking good. It is time for new bulbs also.
  7. fishy7

    My coraline algae is turning white

    I noticied that my coraline algae is turning white. Anyone know what is causing this? Thanks
  8. fishy7

    Trouble uploading pics

    no solution? must be their new upgrade that is causing the issue?
  9. fishy7

    Trouble uploading pics

    Anyone having issues uploading pics. Have done it many times but now it tells me "file upload faild.
  10. fishy7

    replacing PC bulbs

    Time to replace the coralife 96W pc aquare pin bulbs. Anyone care to recommend a good brand? Thanks for the help!
  11. fishy7

    New tank cleaning?

    Thank you. It is a new tank but still has the good old dirt and garbage on it.
  12. fishy7

    New tank cleaning?

    I just bought a new tank how do you clean it? It has all sorts of dirt and dust all over it? I assume just good old warm water and the water hose?
  13. fishy7

    Best Place to buy external pumps?

    Hummm Here is my current set up that works great. I use a dart for my return pump on my 215. I am going to do the same setup for this tank. What do you recommend?
  14. fishy7

    Best Place to buy external pumps?

    I am still researching but what do you think of these pumps? If you had to choose between the pumps, which one, or reconmend another. It will be on a 190g tank Barracuda Dart Amp Master Dolphin 4700
  15. fishy7

    Best Place to buy external pumps?

    opppppssss sorry.... Thanks for your answer.
  16. fishy7

    Best Place to buy external pumps?

    Anyone know of a place to buy an iwaki MD40RLT and a Dart sequence pump? Prices I am getting seem a tad bit high.
  17. fishy7

    Purchased Frag tank need help with lighting

    hummm any have opinions on the Lumineric reflectors? Are they one piece or do you have to make them? Meaning you buy the reflector and then add the bulds? I am not very good at making these types of things. Thaks for the reply. Definatley sounds like this is hte way to go.
  18. fishy7

    Purchased Frag tank need help with lighting

    Hi All It looks like I am all in now..... I bought a 48X48X20 frag tank and should be delivered in the next 2 weeks. I need to get some lights and my LFS is going to hook me up with 2 48" Current Outer Orbit 150 HQI with Actinics. I currently use a Coralife 72" Aqua Light Pro and have not...
  19. fishy7

    Anenomone Contest!!!!!!!

    here is mine
  20. fishy7

    Jade Hermit?

    I have never heard of jades destroying anything. They are pretty much look for food in the entire tank. I am betting your coral beauty is the one. It only takes a minutes to destroy coral.