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  1. donald

    please look at this picture

    How much "misbar" does a clown have to have to make it a misbar? This is a picture of my femal amd my male, The male is the one on top. He has a spot where his stripes dont touch, does that make him a misbar? Thanks for the info.
  2. donald

    Snowflake Clownfish Laying Eggs

    wow very nice work, hey btw, you want to trade males! he looks so cool. I take it that is your breeding tank, nice work on the flower pot. So will they will lay in the same spot in the future? If i decide to raise any of mine I will definatly be asking you some questions.
  3. donald

    just laid eggs

    hey thanks for the info christo, I had a thought, what about tring to raise them in one of those hanging nets, the ones with the fine mesh? Do you think that would work, or would i have problems with feeding? Just an idea. Go ahead and let me have it, im just tring to reinvent the wheel here.
  4. donald

    upgrade help

    are you going to get rid of the small tank? If not then use new sand in the new tank and seed it with some old sand and some old water to turbo charge the cycle.
  5. donald

    Lighting for Live Rock?

    have you decided which tank you want? FOWLR of reef? Live rock needs no light really. What makes it live is the little critters in the rock. Coraline needs nearly the same as LPS coral does. If you decide to make a reef go with a t5 setup, 54watts per bulb, 4 bulbs, and i know others will...
  6. donald

    Tomato clown diving me crazy...

    Originally Posted by sepulatian No, that is not necessarily true. They will aggressively defend the anemone and the surrounding area. If you just got him then he has no idea what just happened. I am sure everything looks a lot different in there to him now. Give him time to settle in. +1 my...
  7. donald

    just laid eggs

    no problem spanko, stay tuned. I am going to try and leave the protien skimmer off when i think they will hatch. Mabey some will make there way to the fuge and survive there. Im not holding my breath.
  8. donald

    Opinions on used equipment

    always check for stray voltage when using used equipment, I didnt when i added a used protien skimmer and it almost drove my yellow tang crazy. I found the voltage one day while cleaning out the fuge, ouch. I thought some thing was stinging my finger. I made a ground probe and replaced the pump...
  9. donald

    How do I remove bristle worms

    Originally Posted by TexasMetal +1 Big +1 for me too Although i have a standing rule, If i see them in the open, I catch them and dispose of them. I use a pair of Stainless steel hemostats. They are tricky little guys, they feel you coming.
  10. donald

    Ok, how many snails? Hermits?

    I would add snails and hermits slowly, say a couple at a time. Watch you alge growths and if its hard so see any then you have the right amount of snails. Hermits are, in my opnion really just for cleaning up uneaten food. You can get the same effect with a cleaner shrimp or two. I have had...
  11. donald

    just laid eggs

    Ok here are the pics from today. The eyes are turning silver and there is a small white spot on there side. I dont think it will be long now.
  12. donald

    Starting a 55g Tank - Few Questions?

    most people sugguest adding live rock next after saltwater to ensure that you get a good stable base, then add your sand. I added sand first, then let it start the cycle and add the live rock. Make sure that you wiggle the LR down in the sand so it doesnt shift on you later on down the road...
  13. donald

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    never mix salt in your tank. Always make it in a clean container. I use a plastic blue 35 gallon drum. I bought it new never used from a guy here locally who sells them. I still washed it three times with tap and rinsed it twice with rodi water. You can never be to carefull. Dont use your tub to...
  14. donald


    Originally Posted by JimVette1 ZacG You have 5 (now 6) replies urging against using Damsels in you tank. It's your tank but YOU asked our advice. Some people use Damsels as start up fish because they are a hardy fish and can take water conditions that are not up to par. I grant you, I also used...
  15. donald

    ***** Real Ocean Water vs Distilled Water?

    in the long run it is cheaper to buy a RODI unit and make your own water and add salt. Plus you get the added piecce of mind knowing that you control all the factors dealing with your water. Believe me you will run out of water at the absolute worst time and there is nothing like going in the...
  16. donald

    Starting a 55g Tank - Few Questions?

    its been said before but i agree, go ahead and make a fuge. In the long run it will help the health of your tank and its inhabitants. If you can't do a fuge for 6 months then wait for it, trust me its worth the extra time and money to do it right. Also with the fuge built and installed you can...
  17. donald

    just laid eggs

    here are the new pics from today. I guess the age to be 3-4 days old. You can really see the eyes developing now.
  18. donald

    just laid eggs

    i hear that! My pair laid there eggs on the bigest piece of LR in the tank, and the same rock that my BTA is attatched to! It figures, thats just the way it goes with my tank. But still it was a very nice christmas present and my tank is only a little over a year old.
  19. donald

    just laid eggs

    i just took this pic of the eggs. When i blew up the photo i could see eyes forming and they are orange in color.
  20. donald

    just laid eggs

    Does anyone have false perc egg development pictures? My pair laid eggs and im trying to figure out how old they are. Thanks for the help.