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  1. ross

    Zoo problem spreading!!!

    ph comes in a bottle and says ph buffer 8.2
  2. ross

    Your best gift you got!

    Originally Posted by 1journeyman LOL, you're now about to be addicted to the 2 most expensive hobbies legally possible! Me and my friends dive every summer, then I spend the rest of the year trying to add stuff to my aquarium to make it look more like what I've seen. Yeah, im definetly gonna...
  3. ross

    Your best gift you got!

    My parents got all the books and everything worked for me to padi scuba certified! Plus a bunch of other stuff like a sweet cordless mouse and keyboard, clothes and cash, and tools for my truck.
  4. ross

    Zoo problem spreading!!!

    nope, the lr will be fine. Most of the pods and stuff will die but if its a small piece of rock its no big deal. It wont cause enough die off to worry about...
  5. ross

    Zoo problem spreading!!!

    How do you know its not sundial snails? Did you take the rock out and look. Do a fw dip, it will kill the inverts on the rock (hopefully the sundial snails) but it wont kill the zoos. Theres different coral dips which can work, but in this case i dont think thats what you need.
  6. ross

    LFS in Austin?? Check it out, its the club for San Antonio and Austin people.
  7. ross

    $$Which to Buy$$

    Get the false perc and the BTA or RBTA, whichever is good. Most clowns dont seem to like LTA.
  8. ross

    anyone has heat problems with nano ,,ideas?

    78 is not a problem, my reef use to get up to 86 everday and did awesome.
  9. ross

    What do i feed my mandarin? (Supplemental Feeding)

    Merry Christmas, and good present! With 100lbs of rock, she should be good. The only concern is the other wrasses which also love pods. Theres really nothing else the mandarin will eat, but feed your wrasses alot of mysis so they wont eat as many pods.
  10. ross

    Zoo problem spreading!!!

    Your problem is more than likely sundial snails. I dont have a pic on my computer, but search them on google. The are really small and will eat your zoos. Take the colonys out, give them a fw dip and take a magnifying glass and go over the rock really well and let me know what you find.
  11. ross

    never ending battle

    Thanks Bob I am trying to be patient, but its kinda hard. Im just getting worn out of doing water changes every 3 or 4 days and i cant stand my zoos not opening like they should.
  12. ross

    Christmas Oops

    Dont sweat it yet, like already said, he is pretty inactive. Just dont feed him too much 1) so he wont grow too much and 2) so he doesnt make as much waste. Try to start looking for a new tank, but its not an emergency.
  13. ross

    never ending battle

    I have a 12g nanocube, took out the stock pump and replace w/ maxi jet 900, made the casetee skimmer, made dual nozzles for alternate flow, added the stock maxi jet pump in the tank for flow, runnign 150w halide (just switched from 64w pc). The tank has been setup for about 3 months or so, it...
  14. ross

    Say hello to the 2006 NBA champs - Detroit Pistons

    They may not have criminal records, but their attitude and body language on the court speaks for them.
  15. ross

    New 560 Gallon reef tank --need help!!

    Between the game room and formal living room, or between the family room and game room looks like your best bet...
  16. ross

    anyone ever stung by an urchin?

    I've been stuck a few times, it hurts pretty bad. The spine will work its way out.
  17. ross

    NC12DX light upgrade kit

    Look for a used 70w, you should be able to find one pretty cheap. I just bought a 150w with bulb and everything for less than the pc's would cost.
  18. ross

    Nano Newbie

    In my 12g DX i have 2 true percs and a cleaner shrimp, along with a couple hermits and snails,
  19. ross

    restoring faded color

    Yeah, move it higher in the tank.
  20. ross

    Tank was just set up, now i have a few questions..

    You sure can but in this case its not necessary, because his rock isnt cured. Therefore it will have enough die off on it to spike the ammonia and start the cycle.