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  1. bmkj02

    film on water

    +1 I have three powerheads and 2 of them are pointed at an angle up to avoid that film.
  2. bmkj02

    PH too high

    There is a PH Down chemical you can use. I used it one time that I messed up and it hit about 8.9. Lost a tang but was able to save the rest. I would use it and then test again. IMO I would do water changes instead of chemicals. The only reason I used it was cause how high it went within mins. A...
  3. bmkj02

    Freakin Biocube fan - Help!

    Probably time for a new fan. May of become unbalanced some how. Check for any cracks on the fan frame
  4. bmkj02

    150 Gallon in-wall build

    Originally Posted by meowzer The tank LOOKS AMAZING!!!! +1 Wish I had a garage where I could put mine in the wall
  5. bmkj02

    How To: $70 DIY Metal Halide

    The glass on the halogen fixture, is that uv protected glass?? These bulbs are not made with UV protected glass like the single ended mogul base. Its one of my hold backs right now trying to find a glass. Dont want to order it yet and my local glass shop wants $40 min on special orders and I...
  6. bmkj02

    How To: $70 DIY Metal Halide

    Here is a set up I did for my 24g Aquapod. Lowes has this light fixture for about $45. In there is a M98 Metal Halide ballast. I took the ballast out and rewired it in a metal enclosed box. Havent gotten the light yet cause I have complete modding the hood yet on the aquapod. Need to cut the...
  7. bmkj02

    The 125g.... oh yes.

    I have seen disasters with acrylic in glass sumps when it comes to glueing them together. How would you glue that? I would be afraid to try that out especially on a 125g or bigger
  8. bmkj02

    Tap water filter as good as reverse osmosis system?

    Originally Posted by Chrisnif My LFS guy told me they use tap for their system, and just run phosphate remover and nitrate remover pads in all the tanks, he said it works out as the cheapest option. Hsa anyone tried this option? Thats a big chance to take IMO. Best and safest way is a RO/DI...
  9. bmkj02

    125 Plumbing

    Originally Posted by bencc27 Thanks for all the comments everyone. Posiden, yea Im aware the overlow box dicatates the water level in the tank. My thought was when I shut off the return pump for water changes the water level will then drop to the lowest point of the overflow box. This is about...
  10. bmkj02

    125 Plumbing

    Whose talking about power outage? Im saying about maintenance. I you have to remove anything and dont want to make a mess you can. Like I said before when I had to remove both my tank underneath I shut off the return line valve and the drain line too to avoid the tank dropping an additional...
  11. bmkj02

    Show me your Aquascapes!!!!

    My 4ft Zebra Eel redecorates my tank every week so I gave up
  12. bmkj02

    125 Plumbing

    I to use mine to control the flow to my refugium. Flow restriction on the valves are very minimum if any. Example for me is when I had to remove my sump and refugium to redo it. I had to shut off those valves to stop the water from flowing back down. Some people have the drains on the bottom...
  13. bmkj02

    Water change ?????to do or not to do

    Depends on tank size as well. Smaller tanks require more maintenace and water changes. Example: I had 3 tanks, 24g aquapod that requires a water change every month. It also includes a 20g sump. My 55g (which I no longer have) required a change every 2-3 months and my 125g every 5-6 months. Once...
  14. bmkj02

    125 Plumbing

    I placed ball valves on my drains too. The reason is if for any reason you need to do any kind of maintenance or removal of pipes you dont have to worry about your tank draining all the way down. IMO it's a smart thing to do. Always keep it open all the way and control the flow by the returns.
  15. bmkj02

    what fish should i add to my 60 gallon tank...?

    Yellow Tang might be okay. I would add an anemone and throw a clown in there like a Maroon. Six Line Wrasse.
  16. bmkj02

    Found this little guy on my live rock...

    Originally Posted by fishkid13 Couldn't it just climb back up? yeah in pieces after he gets chopped up by the pump I found one in my tank a few months ago and threw it in my refugium. Now the other day I found another. Thought the same till I look down in the refug and it was still in there...
  17. bmkj02

    timer to turn off powerheads for half hour?

    Originally Posted by Cranberry This is the one I made for 15 bucks. This looks like a cool DIY thread to start.
  18. bmkj02

    Do you use algae sheets?

    I wouldnt use it daily cause then they would eat that instead of cleaning your tank. I use it once a week and my tang hardly touches it as it is always picking at my rocks but my snails and hermit hits it up hard at night time.
  19. bmkj02

    most ideal set-up, for 125 reef? -what do you use, whats your dream to use-

    I have 2 x 400w MH plus 4 x 65w actinics T5HO but mine doesnt have a center brace. 20g glass aquarium sump and a 29g glass aquarium refugium
  20. bmkj02

    Collecting fish off florida

    Thats the only place I have ever gotten sea horse is off the coast. You can keep them but expect to feed them live ghost shrimps only or they wont eat