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  1. dc2mlbsm

    Aptasia & Flatworms

    Yes coral banded shrimps are aggressive towards all shrimps
  2. dc2mlbsm

    Need help

    I am planning on making my aquaclear filter a refugium and I have a ?. Well I have to use a sealant on the aquaclear which says "Sealant cures & bonds in 24 hrs." Now that means I won't have a filter on my tank for 24hrs but the problem there is will my fish have enough oxygen?
  3. dc2mlbsm

    Is this bad?

    lol I guess we need a clearer picture in order to tell u what it is
  4. dc2mlbsm

    getting very angry with my lfs

    Originally Posted by Sparty059 Did you decide to suggest the most expensive pump because I'm new to this!? I'm going to refer you to my LFS just kidding. LOL damn u caught me ... No it's not the most expensive, and I recommended it cuz you need a pump that rates at around 900-950gph and the...
  5. dc2mlbsm

    Is this bad?

    Well the picture is blurry but i think it does look like aipstasia. Yes peppermint shrimps are good at eating aipstasia and if you don't stop them they will spread pretty quick and I believe they can sting your corals
  6. dc2mlbsm


    oh ok well I'll check out the LFS before I order just to make sure they don't have it...thanks for your help guys & girls
  7. dc2mlbsm

    getting very angry with my lfs

    I believe u need a Mag Drive 9.5
  8. dc2mlbsm

    the all-mighty CYCLE

    Yes as soon as your ammonia and nitrite read 0 your CUC gets to go in and clean up the algae
  9. dc2mlbsm

    Fish :)

    They are colorful if that's what u want
  10. dc2mlbsm


    So either of these will do?
  11. dc2mlbsm


    I want to use it on my rocks but I don't know if any of the ones at Home Depot are safe to use on my aquarium. Anyone know?
  12. dc2mlbsm

    Holy Crabs

    take em to a LFS and see what u can get...can u pm me that website lol
  13. dc2mlbsm


    Wow I love reading scary stories at this time ... I too have had experiences that are unexplainable and I don't think I can really put them into text
  14. dc2mlbsm

    free chaeto

    u got any pics of it now hunt?
  15. dc2mlbsm


    hmmmm i guess they about the same...might end up going with whichever the lfs has lol
  16. dc2mlbsm


    I too am looking for a starfish for my 20g and I want to know which is seen the most the brittle or the serpent?
  17. dc2mlbsm

    free chaeto

    yeah I mean I havent been able to find some at my LFS so if you can send me a small amount I'll really appreciate it
  18. dc2mlbsm

    Aptasia & Flatworms

    Well I too have an aiptasia problem and I use Aiptasia X (you just inject it with a chemical) by Red Sea I believe it is a Glass Goblet (I'm not sure thought it was sold to me as a Brain Coral) and thanks its my favorite coral so far...really like the way it eats
  19. dc2mlbsm

    Aptasia & Flatworms

    have u tried killing the aiptasia urself?
  20. dc2mlbsm

    Aptasia & Flatworms

    copperband butterfly but not reef safe