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  1. slowest is fastest

    Superglue or toothpicks??

    FWIW The xenia do just fine using super glue gel. In fact I think it is the fastest easiest way to do it. I have done hundreds (yes 100's) of xenia frags, all with gel, all with great success. Place a small puddle of gel on what you are attaching to , then mash the end of the xenia into the...
  2. slowest is fastest

    Orange Flatworms....

    Flatworn eXit for flatworms Interceptor for red bugs (SPS) Getting healthy Velvet nudi's are hit and miss and a little expensive (IMO and do not tolerate high current areas). SiF
  3. slowest is fastest

    True Blues and Purple People Eaters 4 trade

    Do you have any pics that are taken with lights on other than just the actinics? It is hard to tell what color they are from the actinic only pics. Thanks SiF
  4. slowest is fastest

    attaching coral

    Super glue gel is IMO the easiest way to do it. Take a piece of rubble rock, place small puddle of glue on rock. Mash the end of the xenia into the glue and onto the rock. SiF
  5. slowest is fastest

    Plz Help with Skimmer (AquaC Knockoff)

    I think they probably have it facing up to try and reduce the amount of micro-bubbles returning to the sump/tank. You should be able to control the water level in the skimmer neck with the gate valve. If the water shoots up into the collection cup then you are probably running to strong of a...
  6. slowest is fastest

    Plz Help with Skimmer (AquaC Knockoff)

    The barbed fitting on the top of the collection cup(top red circle) needs to be connected to the venturi(the white PVC barbed fitting in the pipe on top of the blue box...bottom red circle) on the skimmer. This is the intake or imput of the skimmer. The other barbed fitting on the lower side of...
  7. slowest is fastest

    Flame Angel & Lemonpeel

    All dwarfs are hit or miss (as stated above) but IMO/E ALL are quite capable of not only damaging corals but eating/killing them. As far as cross compatability...I currently have a flame and a nox angel together (4 years this month) and have kept a flame, nox, and a lemonpeel together without...
  8. slowest is fastest

    No..I Am Not Mr Bubble!

    FWIW the digita will grow horizontally before growing out of the water. The tips will "plate" at the surface but will quikly turn outwards. If you prefer not to clip the tips why not just cut it off an inch or so above the base. That way you could also relocate it slightly lower in the tank...
  9. slowest is fastest

    marine Oomed?? Help

    As far as I know Oomed is not made anymore. There was a huge run on it a few years ago when someone discovered it would kill flatworms without harming anything else. FlatwormeXit eventually replaced it as a flatworm treatment but not before every stray bottle could be found and sold (at a large...
  10. slowest is fastest

    Please, opinions on FILTRATION!!

    Why not call or e-mail one of the many online sump/filter companies and have them build you a custom sump for your stand? Total flexibility that way and by getting opinions and quotes from several different ones you can make an informed decision. SiF
  11. slowest is fastest

    Playstaion 3 anytime soon?

    Originally posted by 007 I still remember saving my lawn mowing money for WEEKS to buy an original Nintendo for $100 when I was little! I remember I thought when we upgraded our pong for an Atari 2600 then to ColecoVision I was Lucky!! Then there is always the Intellivision..... SiF
  12. slowest is fastest

    Little Giant 4MDQ-SC

    I'm not trying to talk you down in price...I just thought you might want to know that these pumps online sell for 127.99(+shipping) SiF
  13. slowest is fastest

    Are these all different polyps?

    The ones you do not have circled are yellow polyps (Acrozoanthus sp. I think) Pink circled ones are zoo's (Zoanthus sp.) Red circled ones are also a type of polyp (not aptasia) usually called button polyps (probably Protopalythoa sp.) SiF
  14. slowest is fastest

    Neon Green Anethia may sell frags

    Bump for the pic.
  15. slowest is fastest

    My First Real Nano

    QUOTE: _________________________________________________ Although it does seem odd that the VHO 18" is only twice the output of NO. _________________________________________________ My thoughts exactly. Maybe that is why some people (including myself) have reported some sucess with smaller...
  16. slowest is fastest

    My First Real Nano

    Bang...Nice Nano!!:D On a side note I thought 18" VHO bulbs were 30 watts each not 40 so I checked UV Lighting Company's (formerly URI) web site and they also have the 18" VHO bulbs listed at 30 watts. Do you have something different? Pehaps older bulbs? SiF
  17. slowest is fastest

    ClownFish and White Film on Body

    you may get more replies in the Disease section but from the sounds of it I would try searching for "brookynella" Again impossible to say for sure without a pic but you should be able to find some to compare it with on the web (or here) SiF
  18. slowest is fastest

    12-pak...the hard way...

    Very nice as always...thanks ! SiF
  19. slowest is fastest

    Neon Green Anethia may sell frags

    I would also like to see a pic.
  20. slowest is fastest

    Vho lighting question

    So you are actually measuring illumination not color shift? Do you notice any visible change in color after month 12? I am assuming you are using URI VHO bulbs (or NO bulbs :) ) My only other thought would be after month 12 a bulb might begin shifting toward a more red spectrum that, in a tank...