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  1. aquaknight

    Show of ur dog or doggies thread!!!!

    Not sure if I posted this, but here's Maddie (Chesapeake Bay Retriever) playing with the hose;
  2. aquaknight


    smartorl, you mentioned you got your puffer from a bucket of bait fish, this was in Florida (or Mass.)? What species of puffer did you get? A regular porcupine? Meow, definitely an awesome little fish. Large puffers, IMHO are among the smartest fish we kept. They just develop so strong of...
  3. aquaknight

    Fire's Coming This Way

    Quote: Originally Posted by bionicarm Talk about ridiculous. I used to drink both massive amounts of alcohol, and my fair share of MJ in high school and college. I can say factually that I was more aware of my surroundings when I was 'stoned' than I ever was drunk on my rear after drinking...
  4. aquaknight

    Don't ask a migrant for papers...

    I just applied for the rights to the movie script. The bus was in Tampa. Wait a tick, there's some space at the Inn @ Gitmo now, right? Anyway since they use helicopters, they wouldn't even have to stop the bus, they'd just drop one of those large magnets to pick the bus, and transport everyone...
  5. aquaknight

    NFL to have Thursday night games every week... your thoughts?

    Pretty much a non-issue. There were 10 Thursday night games last season. Tacking on 6 more isn't likely to change the chemistry of the NFL.
  6. aquaknight

    Don't ask a migrant for papers...

    In case anyone missed seeing the text-embeded link; In any case, that is some crazy future movie type stuff. Shame the story will never get the coverage it should. I am curious though, what if your that guy, who's used up his 3 tardies at work, and then...
  7. aquaknight

    Do you think you have some nice SPS coral.

    Growth hormones surely do wonders
  8. aquaknight

    damsel in bta

    Clownfish are techancially damselfishes (Pomacentridae family), so other damselfishes hosting anemones is nothing new Yea, if you want the clowns in the anemone, it would probably mean evicting the damsel. In captivity, clowns pairing up with anemones isn't a 100% guarantee, and with a damsel...
  9. aquaknight

    mappa or midnight arothron puffer

    $70 is a great price for a Midnight. Though actually "midnight arothron" puffers, are just a color-morph of a Dogface puffer. Midnights come from the Solomon islands, one of the better places for fish. As for the Mappa, most people don't have tanks properly set-up for one. Mappa's are among the...
  10. aquaknight

    Oceans headed for mass extinction :(

    The article is certainly a hodge-podge of many things dooming the ocean.... And a mixture of things I do, or do not believe to be true. Rising temperatures and increasing acidity in the ocean from fossil fuel gases? I just don't believe it. Chinese (more so Asia as a whole) overfishing and...
  11. aquaknight

    Would you like a fried lung with your cigarette?

    To be honest if they really wanted to tug at some heart strings (as well as do as actual good), they should show the litter and disgusting trash 99% percent of those cigarettes will end up as, in the hands of careless smokers. A sea turtle's stomach cut open, filled with cig butts, or something...
  12. aquaknight

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Gotcha on the Hogfish. I was wondering if perhaps you meant Peppermint Hogfish or something. Which in a way would be cool, then you could do a yellow assessor and a peppermint hog! Definitely without question the leopard pair is doable, along with the mandarin. On the Ventralis, I think if you...
  13. aquaknight

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    The unfortunate departure of the Mystery, is surely going to help the odds of the Leopard pair though... I have a leopard/mandarin combo in my 90, I think with twice the tank, you should be able to support an additional leopard if you wanted. BTW, what's the difference between a Yellow Candy...
  14. aquaknight

    interesting trip to *****

    Simple economics here. For that Condy anemone to be $10, ***** ain't going to pay much more then $8.75 an hour for the "fish tanks keeper." And for $8.75/hr., you aren't going to someone experienced with aquariums (marine at least) as, well, hard to live off $8.75 and spend hundreds a month on...
  15. aquaknight

    so what does everyone prefer for the color of their lighting?

    As far as T5's, Korallen Zucht bulbs eat ATI for breakfast... For the OP's question, I think 20k's tend to overdue it. Unless you're diving in 50+ feet of water, it's really not that blue.
  16. aquaknight

    power cutoff

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 Where is the emerald coast? All the coasts of Florida are divided up with different nicknames for different areas, Sun Coast, Gold Coast, etc. Emerald Coast runs from Panama City Beach, to Pensacola. Also known as the "Redneck Riveria." I am technically...
  17. aquaknight

    power cutoff

    The high for Daftboy's location the 21st, is 87°, and the low is 69°. I would run 1 modest powerhead and a fan blowing across the top of the water, off a UPS backup, connected to a car battery. And one of those bait-bucket air stone pumps (uses two D batteries), As for the heater, the only thing...
  18. aquaknight

    My puffer has something wrong & tank is red

    I had the same Blue Spotted puffer, and in the end, my died in exactly the same fashion. Just sort of floating around the tank. I drew two possible conclusions. First is that there is possibly some missing link in their diet. Your puffer definitely looks underfeed and malnourished (in the vid)...
  19. aquaknight

    BTLDreef's 180 Tank Build

    Used tap on my first tank too 'before we knew.' Actually it was partially filtered, used the water dispenser from the refrigerator. Taped a cut up soda bottle to the door that kept it running and aimed the water into a cooler used to dump into the tank. Ended up wearing out something on the...
  20. aquaknight


    Pacino is 71... 71 happened. Actors age like everyone else. Sorta the part of life, that makes life itself great (the fact that we don't live forever...) Seems okay to me for being 71 Doesn't have the giant azz beer gut that most seem to have, that could be the difference.... And that is that...