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  1. mbowker

    need help fast!!!

    i think it is seachem, has a first aid dip, its an iodine dip, 1 capfor one gallon of water, dip for five minutes and return it to the tank. It cured my problem immediatly Most LFS carry it too.
  2. mbowker

    Alveopora & Pipe Organ help.....

    they called it a gonipora ?
  3. mbowker

    Pistol Shrimp

    I have a 150 gal, he isnt causing Much damage, other than his digging, I did aget a yellow watchman goby, they paired up instantly, If he isnt hurting the sand bed process, he is more than welcome in my tank, I see him everyday, pushing like a snow plow, he is amazing to watch, tires me out!!!
  4. mbowker

    Phosban reactor

    im not that far away from philly if you ever have trades or frags, 45 minutes east on Rt 70 (NJ)
  5. mbowker

    Phosban reactor

    I will hook it up in the AM, didnt want to bother if it wasnt worth it. I use phosban in a power filter on the back, I guess that s one more item off the back wall,,, YEEEEEHAAAAA
  6. mbowker

    DIY Moonlights

    search all forums and many moonlight threads will come up.
  7. mbowker

    help!!! cant find the manufacture of my leaking wet/dry

    send a picture, we can hopefully identify it, if its leaking its probably Americle. A miracle its lasted this long
  8. mbowker

    Pistol Shrimp

    How on earth do you keep a DSB undisturbed with a*$#-% pistol shrimp make tunnels. This thing came in on a live rock. he is cool but he works non stop, disturbing what im not supposed to be disturbing. The question is, should he stay or should he go. Thats a song isnt it.
  9. mbowker

    PO4 Reactor Help

    mine says minimum of 50 and max 90 gph so probably should be increased a little
  10. mbowker

    tiny bubbles

    the aqua clear type sponge, can be cut to fit into the baffle area. all water has to go through the sponge and it takes away all of the tiny bubbles, if you still get a little bit , cut another piece and add one more on top of the other, guaranteed to work
  11. mbowker

    PO4 Reactor Help

    the directions on mine say no more than 90 gals per hour going through it, aanymore will cause the media to breakdown and eventually clouding the tank
  12. mbowker

    Phosban reactor

    anyone use or here any feedback about the Phosban Reacter, I got one as a gift and would like to know if its worth hooking it up.
  13. mbowker

    Good mornin'...

    thanks for sharing, great pieces. That was truly eye candy. thanks
  14. mbowker

    What is the best food for softies?

    I sware by this stuff, my corals are loving it, and the fish get some too. My tank has never looked so good, been feeding for about one and half months, big difference. The mushrooms curl right up into a little ballwhen it touchesd them, Boy I sound like a salesman!!
  15. mbowker


    your fine with where you have it, stuck in the rocks is fine, here is mine just stuck in ,
  16. mbowker

    Hammer Coral problems

    worked for me
  17. mbowker

    I call him Mr. Grinch

    these guys are real cool, i have a monster one, about 1 1/2 years old, sheds two days after the full moon every month without fail
  18. mbowker

    Tank Crash and Quick Question

    and scrub the bubbles off and rinse, then put them back in. get a few emerald crabs
  19. mbowker

    refugium question

  20. mbowker

    time for a reactor...

    i was looking at oceqnic but knew nothing about it, thanks for the input,