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  1. goldrush

    Limit on number of shrimp?

    There is no bio-load limit,if that's what you mean. Personally,I wouldn't keep more than 5-6 in a 30. They need to eat,remember.
  2. goldrush

    boy im stupid!`

    Sorry Cali,you're not going to justify what you did ,to anyone on this board.
  3. goldrush

    New Reefer

    It looks like a 29,is it? Sorry,I just noticed. With a 2 month old system I can't suggest you keep clams,even with MH.
  4. goldrush


    I've never heard that,but,it could explain why some people advocate pulling it out by the roots rather than cutting it when they thin out their refugium. I've always cut it 1/2 way down.Never had a problem Anyone else??
  5. goldrush

    Pics of RO setups

    Alsie,check your profile setup. It asks if you would like e-mail notification anytime there is activity on a thread you have responded to.From time to time there are gliches with it,but it's there.
  6. goldrush

    acclimate grape caulerpa

    Spyder, 15-20 drops of Iron once a week should do it. As for some of the other advice given here- Yes you CAN wash it off with tap water, yes you CAN just toss it in you tank with no acclimation. Should you? Of course not! If it ever does go asexual wouldn't you be more comfortable knowing you...
  7. goldrush

    New Reefer

    The fact is that clams WILL stay alive under less than MH. The question is- for how long. The answer is-this thread will probably live longer than the calm. The sad part is that people come here for advice,get it,then do what they want anyway. All we can do is continue to "tell it like it is".
  8. goldrush


    Never heard that. I use Grape Caulerpa in my refugium and never had a problem. I used razor once with no problem also.
  9. goldrush

    Mixing Live Rock

    There is no reason you can't. Rockscaping is an art,and beauty is in the eye of [hr]
  10. goldrush

    LR Question

    Probably q-tip sponges,no problem. Can you post a pic?
  11. goldrush

    algea breakout!!!

    If it's a reef you're trying to maintain,DO NOT mix the sand around. You will destroy the natural filtration system you are trying to create.
  12. goldrush

    acclimate grape caulerpa

    It turns almost a clear,white kinda color and gets soft and mushy like it's melting. It can happen overnight. By the way I put 7-8 drops of iron (Kent) in my refugium once a week. I was told this will prevent it from doing this.So far it has worked.
  13. goldrush

    I am asking for trouble hu??

    As previously mentioned,wait out the cycle, wait for nitrates to come down. Chlorine doesn't exite me either. Don't leave the phosphate sponge in your sump to long.Once it's absorbed all it can hold it will start leeching back. Good luck,go slow and enjoy.
  14. goldrush

    acclimate grape caulerpa

    If you are putting Caulerpa in you main tank,be careful.It will either attach to rock or sandbed and over run your tank. Yes,it needs to be accIimated just like any living thing. If it IS going in a refugium,I've been successful with 24/7 lighting.This keeps it from going asexual and leeching...
  15. goldrush

    i think i have a worm...

    Maybe you folks would post the definition of what you call a "large" bristle worm. Also,please explain how often you have seen these. In the meantime if you would send me your bristleworms,let me know,I'll pay the shipping.
  16. goldrush

    I am asking for trouble hu??

    For a full "lush" look,200lbs. should do it. Have you been monitoring your ammonia? What has it been? Are you using RO/DI water? Are your nitrites And nitrates both off the chart? what is your SG? Have you tested for Phosphates? We really need all this info to help you.
  17. goldrush

    phytoplankton and protein skimming

    Ideally,you want to turn off your skimmer and any overflows while feeding. Remember the word "ideally".
  18. goldrush

    i think i have a worm...

    Bristle worms and pods are a GOOD thing. You want more, not less.
  19. goldrush

    Big News For Me!

    Just a quick follow up. For those of you that had the foresight to put the sand in first. Please be sure to gently stir the sand all over to be sure there are no air pockets. Do it now and you won't have a problem later.
  20. goldrush

    just how safe is a spider decorator?

    I really don't know enough about them to tell you what damage they may do in a reef setup. However,almost certainly they will eat pods and other critters that you NEED in your refugium.