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  1. louti

    Eating Live sea urchins

    Okay so if we don't agree with your point of view, we shouldn't comment? That's open minded. How does my comment not pertain to the WHOLE thread, which I read. I kill animals for food all the time. I don't take joy in the killing, and I don't see how this guy does either. And, as previously...
  2. louti

    What is this fish?

    My first impression is that it looks a lot like an Atlantic, or Bermuda chub. I googled them and some information said they have spots as juveniles. I couldn't find a pic of a juvenile though. Here is an adult.
  3. louti

    Eating Live sea urchins

    Can someone please describe the method of humanely killing a sea urchin before eating it? What a ridiculous thing to be upset about. Oh, and eating rabbit isn't weird at all; they taste even better than squirrels.
  4. louti

    Where to buy silicone

    You can either get "fish safe" silicone from a fish store. Or you can get it from a hardware store. The only one I know for sure is safe is GE Silicone I. Do not get II or III because they contain anti-mildew chemicals. Also make sure you get clear because silicone does come in white.
  5. louti

    Is there any reason

    Originally Posted by Flower Get some durarock board..larger than the base of your tank stand by about 8 inches around..put ceramic tile on it and you have a very durable stand to put your tank on off the wood floor. That is what I would do, and it would look nice too. I have seen...
  6. louti

    Niger Trigger question...

    When nigers get bigger, their teeth turn red. They are sometimes called dracula or redtooth triggers. Maybe this is the beginning of the color change?
  7. louti

    morally bankrupt specialty store

    deejeff, I used to live in Arlington and I know the store you are talking about. Their prices are crazy. There is a good store I found of Cooper St, South of Green Oaks. Its called tranquil escapes, or something like that. They never had a huge fish selection, but lots of corals. The owner...
  8. louti

    Questions about Clownfish breedeing

    This is what i read from another site. I won't post the name because I'm not sure it is allowed. "The night of when the eggs are supposed to hatch you can remove the live rock that the eggs were laid on and put it into the breeding tank. Take care not to expose the eggs to air. If possible...
  9. louti

    Calling all Eel Owners

    You should be okay with snails and hermit crabs. I had turbos and nassarius snails with my snowflake. I also had blue leg hermits. The hermits did disappear in time. I'm pretty sure the eel got them as they outgrew and discarded their shells.
  10. louti

    Help! Please! Eggs!!

    From everything I've read, you cannot expose them to air at all. If the rock they're on can't be removed, you can siphon out the larvae as soon as they hatch.
  11. louti

    Got my clowns, now for lights...

    Okay, that is a good idea. I will just ditch the actinics and get useful lights then. What would be the best spectrum? And do you think that is enough if he were to move to the bottom?
  12. louti

    Got my clowns, now for lights...

    Well, I finally got my pair of gols striped maroons that I've always wanted. They are in my 29 for now while I set up their 40 gallon breeder. I want to do a BTA for them to host in the 40. It is 16 inches deep and the anemone will sit high on live rock. I want to do T5 lighting. How many...
  13. louti

    nfl preseason starts this sunday..

    Go Dolphins!!! Championship!
  14. louti

    wine here: not whine here

    boones farm melon ball
  15. louti

    What are these fish...

    As a side note, they're way under the legal size limit
  16. louti

    compatibility with my tessalata?

    I would put the snowflake in the 55. I would not worry about the snowflake eating your fish. They are very docile eels. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if the tessalata ate the snowflake if you put them together.
  17. louti

    please are dying

    No, the wrasse showed no signs either. And yes, I would think that the wrasse probably introduced something. How often do you think I need to test the water? I have 10 gallons standing by for water changes. Also, what do you think could be the problem? Could it be flukes? Maybe some...
  18. louti

    please are dying

    I added an ornate wrasse about 2 1/2 weeks ago that died 3 days after putting him in. I have not been using a QT even though I knew I should. I set one up last night and put the lion in there. I seeded it with the filter rings and some sand and water from the main tank. I'm just planning on...
  19. louti

    please are dying

    I mixed up 10 gallons this morning before I left for work this morning. I do have plenty of flow in the tank. Sep, I do think the lion's gills are swollen. It looks like there is a larger than normal gap between his body and gill plate if that makes any sense.
  20. louti

    please are dying

    well, i hope it's nothing serious, but they are breathing very quickly, which is not normal. It also is not normal for him to lay on the bottom he is normally perched on the live rock. I'm not as concerned about him not eating, but he has never refused food and usually comes to the front of...