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  1. sebae09

    Chain CatShark

    The Jaguar shark is a fictional species of shark in the film The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004).
  2. sebae09


    one of the two tangs, please dont get the bamboo, your tanks too small for him.
  3. sebae09

    Reducing Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate

    quick ? for you guys, if you constantly put something like amquel(ammonia detox) in the tank can you prevent a cycle? theoreticly it would work but thats just theory. that might buy some time to get rid of the fish.
  4. sebae09

    Where to buy a....

    check [hr]
  5. sebae09

    Reducing Ammonia, Nitrite, and Nitrate

    theirs a thing called 48hour safe cycle, ive used it with success
  6. sebae09

    500 pound shark!!

    thats wierd, normally people jump all over large shark corpses and steal their large teeth.
  7. sebae09

    Diamond goby

    i allways heard the males have a black spot under their chin females dont other than that he looks really nice, hope you have a covered tank they jump. ive lost 2 due to jumping
  8. sebae09

    Full Tank Shot - my aquapod 12

    i love it, nice montipora, what kind of lights do you have??? the maroon might get to big for the tank but it looks good now.
  9. sebae09

    yet another snowflake eel?????

    thanks for the reply, at least someone did lol, so the PVC cave would just be a waist of time? i still would like to kmow how big he will get around now hes probbley the size of a quarter. my guess is silver dollar sized
  10. sebae09

    Best Christmas Present Ever

    its nice to have you back. best of luck with the tank and keep us posted.
  11. sebae09

    Starfish or not?

    im with ophuria on this one, your fault. you should have done your research on the green brittle before adding it. i also doubt that the starfish killed the fish he was probobbly just cleaning up the corpse but there is no way to tell, i personally have about 5 green brittles in a reef tank and...
  12. sebae09

    convict blenny/gobie

    but an all most bulletproof fish. not good for the 55 tho.
  13. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    sorry bud his ponds not even started yet, have you ever collected sharks before?
  14. sebae09

    Week photo feature:Angelfish

    good pics everyone, has anyone seen NMReef online lately?
  15. sebae09

    NEW Shark pond in proces of construction

    its not about the money, its about the enjoyment. go back to the nano section
  16. sebae09

    Start of one "BIG" SPS tank

    everything looks good,those guys look like they know what their doing so you should be fine. is the tank going to be drilled or are you going to do an overflow? and what kind of lights are you going to use? the new solaris maybe?
  17. sebae09

    unexpected new addition

    try formula 2 its loaded with sponges and stuff for angels and morish idols. good luck
  18. sebae09

    Ugliest Aquarium Contest - Win $100 order

    so who wins????????????
  19. sebae09

    Can a foxface kill?

    they can kill other fish with their venom as killing people, it depends on if your body is allergic to the poison or not(its best not to even find out)
  20. sebae09

    ID Please

    looks like calupera to me.