Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


Active Member
I'm going to do one last tank which is going to be be my biggest, and final project. I've never had luck with, or been able to keep SPS's in any of my tanks. So I found someone locally who has convinced me that it can be done. The new tank is acrylic and is 120H X 48W X 25H, for about 600 gallons. The tank will have a 160 gallon sump/refugium located on the stand below the tank.
Here are a couple of pictures of the tank being manufactured.

Things are progressing well in construction and should be delivered in the next ten days. I will post more pictures as things start to come together.


everything looks good,those guys look like they know what their doing so you should be fine. is the tank going to be drilled or are you going to do an overflow? and what kind of lights are you going to use? the new solaris maybe?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sebae09
everything looks good,those guys look like they know what their doing so you should be fine. is the tank going to be drilled or are you going to do an overflow? and what kind of lights are you going to use? the new solaris maybe?
The tank will have 2 overflows. Lighting is the big hang up right now. Thought that I had it figured out until we had to consider the 48" width. Kind of tough to get good coverage through out the tank. Had to look up Solaris lights..they would break the bank..WOW Got to figure out how to get good light over 40 square feet of tank.....


Active Member
Here is a picture of the stand after it got back from being powder coated. The stand is upside down in this picture. It was built in two sections to be able to fit it through the door way.


in that first that the top facing me? if so what about using 3 48" strip lights (vho or pc's whatever you want) with MH's built in????? :thinking: seems like your more advanced than me so im sure youve already thought of this......but maybe not :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
so this makes how many goodwin?
whose the manufacturer?
I lost count after the second tank. :notsure: The Aquarium Co. in MN is bulding the tank for me. They've built most of my other ones and do a great job at a fair price.


Active Member
two questions
1: is it euro braced? that will make it much easier to pick the lighting
2: what do you do for a living, if you dont mind me asking?
anyway, looks great. just like your other tanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
two questions
1: is it euro braced? that will make it much easier to pick the lighting
2: what do you do for a living, if you dont mind me asking?
anyway, looks great. just like your other tanks

Top picture shows the tank with the euro bracing. In that picture, the tank is sitting on the back wall of the tank. The top of the tank in the picture is actually the front viewing panel of the tank, if that make sense.


Originally Posted by teen
it makes perfect sense. its a pretty big tank, is it gunna be a walk around tank?
pretty big? we have the understatement of the year! With a tank that deep wouldn't you almost have to use MH???? :jumping:


Boy Goodwin if this turns out like the pictures of your other tanks I cant wait to see it.
BTW you know your gonna have to give us SFAAS people a Tank tour someday. not trying to be pushy but you cant have that many georgous tanks so close to me and not let me see them in person LOL
seriously cant wait to see it up and running. keep us posted. :jumping: :jumping:


Active Member
I visited the factory today and took a couple of more pictures. The top of stand and shelf were going to have the lamination put on today. The tank now has a bottom and overflows. Pictures of the overflows didn't tun out. You don't realize how big it is until you stand next to it. The tank will be viewable on three sides. We finalized all of the plumbing designs and are now just waiting for the skimmer to arrive.


my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
The tank will have 2 overflows. Lighting is the big hang up right now. Thought that I had it figured out until we had to consider the 48" width. Kind of tough to get good coverage through out the tank. Had to look up Solaris lights..they would break the bank..WOW Got to figure out how to get good light over 40 square feet of tank.....
If you are'nt worried about having the entire tank lit at full strength all the time, you can buy a motorized track system for MH lighting. Do a search for HID light movers or Hydroponic lighting. You should find info from one of these searches. By using this setup, you could use less lamps but still be able to supply your whole tank with light at various times of the day.


Active Member
Very impressive. When I buy a home my dream reef tank will be approx. 1,000 gallons.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
it makes perfect sense. its a pretty big tank, is it gunna be a walk around tank?
The tank willl be viewable from 3 sides, front and 2 sides. The back of the tank will be black.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cannonman
pretty big? we have the understatement of the year! With a tank that deep wouldn't you almost have to use MH???? :jumping:
your looking at the tank the wrong way. its really not that deep compared to a lot of the bigger tanks out there. the 2nd pic shows the tank standing on its side (like a book shelf), you have to lay it down (like a coffee table) to see how it will actually be set up. and he could have it set up just as nicely with vho lighting.