Start of one "BIG" SPS tank


If this were me doing this I would go with either 2 250s over each section (6 total) in Lumenarcs or i would go with 1 400 over each section (3 total) in lumenarcs hung a little higher and then supplement with t5 or VHO.


Active Member
Wow! Tis a beast and a dream of mine. This puts you on par with Steve Weast. Makes a 180 look like a puddle. Can't wait to see the finished product, especially with sps. Congrats, I envy you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
and he could have it set up just as nicely with vho lighting.
If you read the first post, the tank is 25" tall and he plans on making it an SPS reef. VHO's certainly don't fit that bill.

reef diver

Active Member
How many gallons approx it it?, my deam home tank will be roughly 1500, yes I will be saving for a long time. I have a trust fund for me for college, If I can save that and use scholarships etc that will give me a good head start.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hurt
If you read the first post, the tank is 25" tall and he plans on making it an SPS reef. VHO's certainly don't fit that bill.
first of all, i read the first post.
second, he certainly could do an sps tank of this size with vho lighting. ive just seen one of the nicest sps tanks around 25" deep with only vho lighting. ill take pics of some of the frags i picked up from the guy and you tell me if the colors are not just as nice as under mh lighting.
if you new anything about sps, you would know that lighting is more like 5th or 6th on the list of importance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
first of all, i read the first post.
second, he certainly could do an sps tank of this size with vho lighting. ive just seen one of the nicest sps tanks around 25" deep with only vho lighting. ill take pics of some of the frags i picked up from the guy and you tell me if the colors are not just as nice as under mh lighting.
if you new anything about sps, you would know that lighting is more like 5th or 6th on the list of importance.

Easy just lost a lot of credibility with me. I in no way said anything abrasive or derogatory unlike your post. FYI, for a tank 25 inches deep you will need at least 250's for SPS. I don't even know what to say if you think lighting is 5th or 6th on list of importance in an SPS tank.
Please show me your SPS tank, and better yet show me an SPS tank with VHO's only.
And please do not respond in this thread, email me. I certainly didn't intend to highjack this thread as such, sorry for this nonsense Goodwin9.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hurt
Easy just lost a lot of credibility with me. I in no way said anything abrasive or derogatory unlike your post. FYI, for a tank 25 inches deep you will need at least 250's for SPS. I don't even know what to say if you think lighting is 5th or 6th on list of importance in an SPS tank.
Please show me your SPS tank, and better yet show me an SPS tank with VHO's only.
And please do not respond in this thread, email me. I certainly didn't intend to highjack this thread as such, sorry for this nonsense Goodwin9.
email address would help


Active Member
I assumed you would click on my profile and email me, but to make it easy for you
NIRUA64, I'm not sure if you want any of my sps, apparently I don't "new anything about sps"
. Drop me an email, and I'd be glad to help you out.
End of the highjacking and congrats to Goodwin. This is your thread.
But, I'm willing to bet money he will highjack this thread again, I can't imagine what that screen name means?

reef diver

Active Member
*sigh*, sorry I did not read the first post, wow total volume 760 gallons! very impressive, Imo you should do the rockwork much like steve weast did,without the sloping from the sides, for like a natural reef, that scales up fast, then flattens out, on top, with bumps, and then another rise at the back
JMO GL keep us posted


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hurt
I assumed you would click on my profile and email me, but to make it easy for you
your email doesnt show up in your profile
, it says restricted by administrator. but im emailing you now.
sorry for hijacking the thread a bit.


Active Member
It's been a while, and I am still waiting for the tank. We had a problem with the Euro-Reef skimmer and it had to be returned. Here is a few pictures of the new H&S skimmer I replaced the Euro-Reef with. The sump needed to be modified to accomendate the new skimmer.



Active Member
The new calcium reactor arrived and was amazed at the size. That's a five gallon bucket sitting next to the reactor. Now trying to figure out how to get it dialed in :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by goodwin9
The new calcium reactor arrived and was amazed at the size. That's a five gallon bucket sitting next to the reactor. Now trying to figure out how to get it dialed in :notsure:

That's a monster... looks like a 5lbs CO2 tank, you may have to upgrade that -LOL


You will love the H&S I run a A150-2001 on my 100 cube and couldnt be happier with its production. Its rock solid


Active Member
keep the pics coming goodwin....that is an amazing project. I don't think I could afford the salt for that thing!!!!! much less the electric bill...LOL
great looking so far :cheer:


Active Member
Here is a plumbing diagram of the equipment located below the stand. Lots of stuff and running out of room. :thinking:


I just want you to know... your my hero.

If you dont mind me asking... how do you finance all these awesome projects?