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  1. sebae09

    Tank looking bad!!!

    im suggesting entering this in the uglyist tank contest, you WILL win a 100$ order.
  2. sebae09

    My New tank(continued with pics that prove im not a liar)

    mail the poor fish to me, i have the tank to support them.
  3. sebae09

    Ultimate Fairy Wrasse (Cirrahilabrus Rubromarginatus Sp.)

    its not even the the database on
  4. sebae09

    Hi, I'm new here!

    Tonga branch pock is great looking but it is denser than other rock, that means it will weigh more so you will pay more. just something to think about. and welcome to the hobby. everyone here will be more than glad to help you with your new 29 gal cube. just remeber to be patient and ask...
  5. sebae09

    Ultimate Fairy Wrasse (Cirrahilabrus Rubromarginatus Sp.)

    check this wrasse out, this by far is the most beautiful wrasse i have ever seen. only $299.00 lol. i have never seen this type of wrasse anyware does anyone have one or any more info on this fish? This is an extremely rare Fairy Wrasse found primarily around the reefs of Australia. This...
  6. sebae09

    Orange marked hermit crab destroyed coral!

    are you talking about a halloween hermit? they are highly preditory. get him out of the tank asap he will finish off the corals when he gets hungry again. take him back to a LFS or put him in a sump/fuge by himself.
  7. sebae09

    Fanker need your opinion

    well asking for flankers help was the right thing to do, he knows his lights, and i trust his openion.
  8. sebae09

    small hang on refugium to fit hex tank?

    custom build one for it, its easyily done. i just got a 10gallon tank for 10 bucks took it apart and cut the pieces i needed out of it.
  9. sebae09

    New To site Need a little help

    the problem im seeing is that you dont have a very good cleanup crew. im guessing because the puffer eats them and you dont want to buy new snails every week, that gets expensive. i suggest you hold off on the starfish and definately add a sump. i allways had high nitrates in my reef tank untill...
  10. sebae09

    Feeding a Snowflake

    Originally Posted by alexrex20 i just feed my eel damsels. 5 a week keeps him happy thats going to get expensive, but anyways i need some info on the snowflakes because im getting one tomorow. how big around do they get as an adult? im makeing my own rock with a cave for him and need to know...
  11. sebae09

    200 Gallon fish room

    Originally Posted by BellaNavis Cool, now there are 3 of us making a room just for their tank, we can all help eachother out with ideas. Keep the updates coming. make that 4 im doing the same thing. i would love to help you guys with anything.
  12. sebae09

    whole setup in NC

    yea ill take it, just tell me whare you want to meet around lincolnton. 25$ right?
  13. sebae09

    Hitchhiker ID please

    their are various color forms, as with any animal. but bang guys right we need a better pic to properly identify it.
  14. sebae09

    Help me save this coral

    i dont think anyone could say it better bang guy
  15. sebae09

    Hitchhiker ID please

    id put my money on floating or swimming anemone (Boloceroides mcmurrichi), what do you guys think?
  16. sebae09

    Can A Tesselata Eel & An Emperor Angel Co Exist?

    the fish might survive while the tess is small but when he gets big and his mouth is big enough to get around a fish i guarentee he will do so. im sorry but i would keep the tess alone, they are highly aggresive and i dont think you can even have other eels in the tank with them. but not sure on...
  17. sebae09

    Eel with an Abscess?

    golden head eel right? im thinking its some sort of infection, im not too fimiliar with abscess but it cant be good, pics would help alot. have you feed him anything new lately? anything hard or sharp enough in his tank that he could possibly bite on accident? what tankmates does he have?
  18. sebae09

    whole setup in NC

    john, im not going to be online tonight im going to wire some lights for my grandmother, ill be online tomorow so if you could just send me an email on the overflow, and please tell me how many gallons its rated for. ill still buy it even if its a low gph or high gph. thanks
  19. sebae09

    protein skimmer, necessity or not?

    ive never used it, i figured you guys would say something like that.
  20. sebae09

    stingray/shark pond q's

    you could use it as a grow out tank, but you would need to upgrade soon (in 6 months or so). im not sure if you want to go that route.