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  1. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Okay, so I temp acclimated them and added DT water from a turkey baster. I couldnt help myself! Hopefully I didnt do any harm by doing it this way!
  2. sac10918

    Clowns in a nano?

    Yes, you can definiately keep a pair! They will be great for a 12 gallon.... It sounds like you already have a lot of things figured out (like cycling, lighting, etc.) Clowns will host lots of other things that you can keep. I commend you for not getting an anemone since your lighting cant...
  3. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Is letting the bags float and adding in a little bit of DT water every few minutes acceptable? I dont have enough airline tubing to drip acclimate everything....
  4. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Originally Posted by 05xrunner No..Acclimation of corals is not needed at all. Take them out of the water. let them in the air for about 10-15sec to slim up and in they go. Out of all the things added to the tank corals def dont need any acclimation Really? Not even floating? I think I will...
  5. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Oh! ANd should I float the bags first before drip acclimation?
  6. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Thanks for the quick response Al~ Your the best! Unfortunately, I am taking a risk here and not Qting the new corals..... I know its ridiculously stupid and I probably will kick myself for it, but I am just praying that it works out okay. I am currently setting up a QT for future corals, but I...
  7. sac10918

    Quick acclimation question!

    Help me quick! I just came home from the store with 4 new corals. Can I place them all in the same tub and drip acclimate them all together? They came out of the same tank at the LFS....
  8. sac10918

    Going to buy anemone today! A few questions...

    Hi Everyone~ Thanks for all the helpful advice... I am leaving here in about 20 minutes to go to my favorite LFS. He has red and green anemones in stock today, not sure which one I will get. The rose ones are twice as much as the green! Anyways, I am going to cover the powerheads up while the...
  9. sac10918

    Going to buy anemone today! A few questions...

    Thanks for the advice.... So, event hough the anemone will be acclimating in a different container, I should turn the lights off on the display where the drip is coming from? Or can I wait to turn the lights off until I am ready to add the anemone to the tank? Also, should I leave the lights off...
  10. sac10918

    Going to buy anemone today! A few questions...

    Yeah, I am planning to go get myself a bubble tip anemone today after school (provided the store got them in last night). I have afew questions, as this is my first anemone in a long long time... What shall I look for when I pick it out? Is there a big difference between red and green varieties...
  11. sac10918

    Nitrate Issue

    Are you possibly overfeeding the tank?
  12. sac10918

    No more yellow tangs...

    Originally Posted by itom37 I hope the bill passes. I think the ultimate goal of our hobby should be universal aquaculturing. Until then, measures to increase the sustainability of wild populations are great. I could not agree more with this post!
  13. sac10918

    which coral will host a pair of false percs?

    Originally Posted by paintballer768 Are you able to make your clown host something, or does it choose it on its own? Because if you can talk to your fish, Id like to know your secret. Originally Posted by paintballer768 Im saying that it shouldnt make a difference really if it chooses to...
  14. sac10918

    sunpod + supplementals?

    Hi Jess I dont know if you have seen it yet but Current-usa also makes a Sunpod with 4 t5 actinic bulbs as well as the 150 watt (or 250 watt if you prefer) metal halide HQI. I really would like to get one for my aquapod 24 as well and move my 150 HQI to my QT tank (so I can QT corals and such in...
  15. sac10918

    New anemone

    Your anemone probably is much happier in your tank with the metal halide lighting.....Also, it might need some time to adjust to the new light....Sometimes the Bubblt Tips will try to hid in a dark area for a few weeks when you first get them. This is natural, and you should let the anemone find...
  16. sac10918

    Current Outer Orbit HQI/T5 combo

    Gosh! I just don't know what I will do.... Part of me just wants to save up for the current one. I have been really happy with all of my current products and more than satisfied with their customer service. Plus, I wouldnt have to do anything to it and I am really technologically lame...
  17. sac10918

    which coral will host a pair of false percs?

    Originally Posted by TangWhispr Corals do not host, Anemone's host. Thats not true....Lots of people here have experience with their clowns "hosting" things other than corals, from powerheads to heaters to all sorts of different corals. My clown has hosted fuzzy mushrooms, frogspawn, xenia, etc!
  18. sac10918

    Looking to start Nano tank 24gal

    Hi I have the 24 gallon aquapod with HQI lights (150 watts). I havent had any experience keeping hard corals with these lights yet (still setting up) but from what I understand you should be able to provided your parameters are right. I run the Aqua C remora skimmer (Hang on Back type) which...
  19. sac10918

    Am I ready for one?

    I just called my favorite LFS and he said that they should have a shipment in on Tuesday! Whooo hooo!
  20. sac10918

    Current Outer Orbit HQI/T5 combo

    Okay, yes.... I would love to see the link!