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  1. stacyt


    My fleet is back, now it's just behind schdule. Rather have it back and behind schedule, than not get it back at all.
  2. stacyt


    Hard to say if your fleet made it in time. I was on at 8PM PST, and had a fleet that was supossed to arrive at 11:00PM PST, now it's gone. A nearby NEMO had launched a massive attack to take a player out completly. We've been working this guy down for a couple of weeks, and he just sent...
  3. stacyt

    Adding Greenex..

    I had a bad experience using that stuff in a reef. After useing that a couple of days later most of my inverts died. To top it off it did nothing to help the fish with ich.
  4. stacyt

    porky puffer

    When my puffer eats he will chew, and then spit it out. He will do this over and over, until he's eaten most of it. Sometimes, if he doesn't care for what I'm feeding, he will just spit it out, and leave it alone.
  5. stacyt

    Help! Porky can't eat!

    Harlequinnut, Some good foods to help with the beak are clams, muscels, etc. From time to time my puffy will go a week without eating. I try to feed a varied diet of silver sides, krill, frozen shrimp, fish, clams, and muscles. I alternate soaking the foods in zoe, and garlic. Have you tested...
  6. stacyt

    Lunar Wrasse

    I know it's a pain to do. I had been wanting to remove a tang, damsel, and the wrasse for over 6 months. The only thing that kept me from doing it was the fact that I knew I'd have to tear the whole thing down. Then 1 night I saw the tang tearing up 1 of my puffers tails, and decided it was time...
  7. stacyt

    Lunar Wrasse

    I took every peice of LR out of my 240 to remove mine. Tried to catch it a couple of times, but figured it would be quicker to tear the whole tank down.
  8. stacyt

    Yellow Watchman Goby

    Depending on what tank mates you have I would say that he should be fine in a 20. Keep in mind that they like to dig in the sand, and they do make a mess when they burrow.
  9. stacyt

    Bat Fish????

    I have to agree with disgusted. I've never seen anyone successfully keep one for any real length of time. Plus they do need an extremely large system with peacefull tankmates. Also I've seen them handled at the importers and the conditions that they go through are pretty horrible.
  10. stacyt

    Clown Trigger

    Clowns are known for turning against tankmates. I would advise against putting one in a small tank with other fish. May be fine for a while, but eventually it will turn on it's tankmates. Go for a more passive trigger, and you would have a lot more choices.
  11. stacyt

    The Hunt For Stacey

    Chandler04, just thought i'd bring it up because a couple of people had asked for my email address. and Nas19320 is correct. it's a mandarin.
  12. stacyt

    The Hunt For Stacey

    I just want to clarify that I am not the same stacey that you people are talking about in this post. I am a guy, and I'm in CA. Just don't want anyone confusing me with who you are talking about.
  13. stacyt

    mixing a yellow tang w/ a naso?????

    Are you talking about the 60 gallon in your profile? If so than I would say they will most likely fight, maybe not right a way, but they will soon.
  14. stacyt

    Loss of My Yellow Tang

    Did the LFS tell you what your water params where when they tested it? The 1st thing that I will say, is that tangs are not for beginners. They're not considered a hardy fish, such as clowns, and wrasses to name a couple. Stay with hardier fish the 1st few months. A 54 corner bowfront doesn't...
  15. stacyt

    Thats it! I am giving up on trying to keep fish!

    How are you acclimating your fish? Have you tested the water params of the source that you are obtaining your fish from? Especially check the salinty. Lots of stores keep the SG level on the low side, and if you rush the acclimation you can have problems. Whenever I plan to add fish I setup a...
  16. stacyt

    well, he went and did it...

    After seeing your pics, and hearing how well yours is doing, we have decided to wait. We've been looking for a couple of years, but hey have not been that available here. When I have come across 1 they want a fortune for it. Even wholesale they go for $125 here.
  17. stacyt

    well, he went and did it...

    A freind of mine used to have a breeding pair of GTP's. He would sale the babies for about $300 a peice wholesale, so I'd say you got one hell of a deal. Also about the bigger cages. My freind said the problem with the large cages with the babies, is they needed extremely high humidty, and most...
  18. stacyt

    water temp of tank?

    I prefer to keep the temp higher in my tanks. I usually keep the temp about 82. Most of the reefs that I've dove the water temp has been anywhere from 78-84.
  19. stacyt

    Are flame angels difficult to keep?

    I've never had a problem keeping one, and I know several others that have never had a problem. Maybe there isn't enough algae for him to graze on? How much LR do you have? Was he eating at all, and if so was he eating well? They do prefer good water quality, and most recommend that the tank...
  20. stacyt

    can i bring fish on airplane...?

    The thing is when fish are shipped from over seas they are in large bags, and they do put oxygen in the bags.