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  1. stacyt

    Any stocking suggestions for a 180???

    I don't think that I would mix the shark with those fish. Also I don't think the 2 eels together would be a good idea. The Zebra gets considerably larger than the ribbon, and could possibly eat the ribbon. I would add instead maybe a huma trigger, and harlequin wrasse.
  2. stacyt

    ideas for a 55

    I would leave out the hippo. You could add a nice dwarf angel, and maybe a cardinal instead.
  3. stacyt

    Is This Tank Overcrowded? (Need Answers)

    That tank is way to overvrowded. That trigger should about double in size the 1sy few years, and would not be o.k. for a few years in that tank. Besides they are pretty active, and could use some swimming space.
  4. stacyt


    If we currenlty have SU's should we use them to get things going a little faster, or should we hold onto them for later trading/selling?
  5. stacyt


    elfdoctors, Check out the diplomacy forum, and there is a post there about the nemo's. The 1st post provides a link to their BB where you can make contact, and ask for an alliance with them. I myself have made my request. There is 1 nemo movng into my system. He's contacted me, and let me know...
  6. stacyt

    How to feed fish seaweed select

    I picked up this little tip from one of the sharks a while back. I use my magnetic glass cleaner to secure the seaweed with.
  7. stacyt

    Which of these two

    I would bet that the majority will favor the flame over the coral. I've had both, and my flame stands out much more than the coral did.
  8. stacyt

    Fish In Southern California!

    Where at in So. Cal.? I'll be down in LA within a couple of weeks, and may be interested, in some, maybe all.
  9. stacyt

    Im tired of hearing this...

    That is a commen misconception. Fish will continue to grow, even if there is not enough space. Then if not given adequate space it will start to stress, leading to an early death. I've seen puffer's, tangs, lions, triggers, and angels that have OUTGROWN the small tanks that they where in. Most...
  10. stacyt

    How long does it take for a fish to grow.

    If you are planning on upgrading I would wait until then to get the fish. You would just be adding a lot of stress factor in moving the fish again in a few months. I would avoid the white cheek myself. I have 1, and it is an evil tang. It's killed 2 other tangs that where in the tank with him...
  11. stacyt

    Im tired of hearing this...

    SAK300ZX, Are you saying that fish will grow to the size of the tank? If so that is incorrect.
  12. stacyt

    need your opinions!

    There is a chance that the puffer will nip at the lions fin. Not always, but I've seen it happen. The problem with clown triggers is that they will eventually turn on it's tank mates. There are a lot of variables that could lead to this. Size of the fish, tank size, space, etc. Also a clown will...
  13. stacyt

    Would this work?

    The problem with mixing lions with triggers and puffers is the possibility that the puffer and trigger, may nip at the lions fins. With that said a porc puffer will ewventually outgrow a 75 gallon tank. It may work for a couple of years if you purchase an extremely small puffer. At full size the...
  14. stacyt

    My Tank

    Mollies can acclimate to saltwater. I personally would remove the mollies, and add at least a miz of 100 lbs. of LR, and base rock. Adding uncured LR will start the cycle process for you. The LR woll also aid in the biological filtration of the tank.
  15. stacyt

    yellow tangs

    Tangs need a well balanced diet. I feed mine vitamin enriched frozen brine, emerald entree, mysis shrimp, marine cuisine, and some seaweed selects. They also need a well established tank with lots of algae growth on the LR, so they can graze on this between feedings.
  16. stacyt


    O.K. so what is the deal with the nemo's?? I jumped on irc, and apparently no one has been able to login for a while.
  17. stacyt


    elfdoctors, If we get close enough, I'd be glad to work with you. Don't know how long I'll last, but I think that I got a handle on the game.
  18. stacyt

    Responsable Fish Keeping

    gmbnj , I think we're both misunderstanding each other on this. I'm not saying that you cannot keep the fish that you list together for a period of time. For an inexperienced person I would definatly recommend against it. Also these fish need room, and as they mature will need to be seperated...
  19. stacyt


    I've moved up in my ranking. Start at 18something, and now I'm up to 1275. Whatever that means.
  20. stacyt

    snowflake eel buffet

    MorayM, Cool pics, and good idea on a way to feed. It's a pain to sit and feed 1 peice at a time. Wouldn't work in my tank though, as my other aggressives would chow down on all the food before the SFE had a chance.