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  1. don1234

    Dying Fungia and Nitrates?

    Greetings all, Would a Fungia coral that is possibly dying cause the nitrates to raise.
  2. don1234

    Couple Pics 2 ID

    Okay I looked up cyanobacteria, but can't find anything that says specifically if its good or bad
  3. don1234

    Couple Pics 2 ID

    Greetings all, Just a couple pics to share...maybe someone can id the pink substance on the first and second pic its the same rock just on the back side....algae or sponge? The purple substance on the third that looks healthy...and good...but the only thing is that it...
  4. don1234

    Reef Colors

    Greetings all, How do I go about bringing out more colors in my aquarium? Everything is healthy..I would just like to have some vibrant colors 75 Gal 60 lbs live rock Protein skimmer cascade 1200 live sand yellow tang hippo tang sailfin tang clown red banded shrimp crabs snails polyps zoanthoids
  5. don1234

    What the ???

    I have several of those in my tank, but one is really big about 6 times of the small one
  6. don1234

    What the ???

    Yes that is it. I looked it up now that i have a name for it, but what is its purpose?
  7. don1234

    What the ???

    Greetings all, In my tank I keep seeing these strands that look like webs. Today I saw a tube on one of my live rocks (Its always been there), but today there is like some legs or arms protruding out. The strands look to be coming from the tube like it is pulling the strands in towards it...
  8. don1234

    Zoas Closed or dying?

    Greetings all, I have green zoas colony that i have had for about three weeks. They were all opened but now they are slowly closing. I did a fresh water dip for about five minutes and there was some sort of tiny light colored crab that came out. Was he killing my Zoas. They look closed...
  9. don1234

    freshwater dip treatment method info???

    My yellow tang developed some black spots very few and after researching and discussing the matter with my lfs and reading a solution from a "Marine fish Desease" book. We came to the conclusion to take the tang out and give him a fresh water dip. I put him in a gallon bucket for 10-15 minutes...
  10. don1234

    ID soft Coral?

    Thanks I uploaded a new picture at:
  11. don1234

    ID polyp..soft coral?

    Small base
  12. don1234

    ID polyp..soft coral?

    I added them new pic in original second one
  13. don1234

    Yellow / Red Gorgonia Success

    cool thanks
  14. don1234

    ID polyp..soft coral?

    okay take a look
  15. don1234

    ID soft Coral?

    Anyone know what these are?
  16. don1234

    ID polyp..soft coral?

    A little more info on this item....the larger more darker areas are maroon and were closed when I took them out of the sand now they are starting to open up and spread out.
  17. don1234

    Blue throat trigger

    I have an interest in this fish as well. One of the LFS said that this fish was agressive and could not be in the same tank as my tangs. However at the same LFS a different employee looked it up in a marine fish book and said that it was the least aggressive of the triggers and could be added...
  18. don1234

    ID polyp..soft coral?

    Greetings all, I posted this down in the ID section, but maybe someone else might have a different oppion or just would like to see it? Came from sand bed that lfs gave me because they were redoing a tank that was host to hard and soft corals for quite some time. Thanks,
  19. don1234

    Yellow / Red Gorgonia Success

    Greetings all, Any one have success with the Red or yellow Gorgonia...they look amazing! If so are there any ups and downs. Are they poisonous? Thanks
  20. don1234

    ID polyp..soft Coral?

    Greetings all, Yesterday evening my LFS redoing a tank that had numerous hard and soft corals in it and they let me have the sand bed about 40 50 lbs. I imagine the that tank had been running for a few years maybe? I planted the sand last night. I found this creature in the sand? Anyone know...