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  1. don1234

    Snowflake eel?

    I'm going to have to try to get a better glimps of this creature if and when it appears again...I feed the tank earlier, but I didn't see anything...I'll keep looking.
  2. don1234

    Snowflake eel?

    I thought the same thing, but there is like a newly made cave entrance going under one of my rocks. I already discovered a new emerald crab from the newly added live rock. Pretty good size to. Once piece had about a three inch hole in the center and one side was covered in an yellow Zoa Colony...
  3. don1234

    Snowflake eel?

    Greetings all, This morning I turned on my aquarium lighting and with in fractions of a second I saw what appeared to be a eelish looking creature but it vanished so quickly I didn't get to really see it. I did a notice stripe like pattern and it was about 3-4 inches long. Could this have been...
  4. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    False alarm....took my Sailfin to the LFS to have them look at it. They said the fish is okay and those which I thought were spots were normal. Also gave me advice in treating ich in the future and how to prevent it with garlic.
  5. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    Tank is about 45 days. Pull them all and then what just let the ich run its cycle in the display or treat it?
  6. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    QT is 20 gallons. Yes that is correct two tangs and damsel what do you recommend?
  7. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    He looked so happy swimming around in a bigger tank. Now he looks sad that he is in a small tank.
  8. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    Hmmm....can't really tell what they look like in the QT with a mag. He is just swimming back and fourth like normal. White specles..
  9. don1234

    ID Spots On Sailfin Tang

    It is translucent, but how could it be air...He looks and acts seems as if they weren't there and then they were.
  10. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    I have had him for about four days he was the last fish added to the tank, but I added some live rock with zoas on it. He is in a quarantine tank now.
  11. don1234

    ID spots on sailfin tang

    Greetings all, Need help identifying crystal looking spots that just recently appeared on sailfin tang. On side fins, Tail fin and sides of body. Looked at other pictures of tangs and they look like they have a few. Maybe it is natural and I just didn't notice them. Spots appeared over night in...
  12. don1234

    ID Spots On Sailfin Tang

    Greetings all, Need help identifying crystal looking spots that just recently appeared on sailfin tang. On side fins, Tail fin and sides of body. Looked at other pictures of tangs and they look like they have a few. Maybe it is natural and I just didn't notice them. Spots appeared over night...
  13. don1234

    Too Much Oxygen?

    Very interesting topic and good question....helped me out! Thanks all.
  14. don1234


    Okay thanks for that tad bit of information. Sounds like calcium is calcium! Saltwater aquarium or not. Thanks.
  15. don1234

    valentini sick?

    Sorry to hear that about your fish.
  16. don1234


    Greetings all, Okay I'm not going to try to cause too much comotion on this one, but what is calcium in a slaltwater aquarium and what are its purpose(s) the benefits of it, how high or how low should the levels be measured at and which test(s) are recommnded? Many thanks go out to those who...
  17. don1234

    PH Drop/Increase

    Yes! I did test the akalinity first and it was low now it is at normal levels safe for marine fish and invertabrates according to the test result chart. I purchased the Kit that checks GH and KH. Also took a sample of my water to the LFS.
  18. don1234

    Purple Up?

    Greetings all, My LFS suggested or tried to convince me on Purple Up. However I read somewhere on that one of the forum members didn't recommend it. Although sales it. Any thoughts on this?
  19. don1234

    PH Drop/Increase

    Okay...I found the problem to the drop in PH. This past week I had been topping off my tank through out the week with RO water, but I wasn't using a PH Buffer. So last night I got PH buffer in addition to the akalinity test. I removed 10 gal of water from the tank and added 1/4 tsp of the...
  20. don1234

    PH Drop/Increase

    Okay...clears that up! Thanks for all the info! Wouldn't you know it cycle went smooth and then bam. Hopefully I can correct the problem. Some days my take has a yellowish appearance to the water like a slight yellow tint. Any thoughts on that (Alkalinity?)