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  1. sac10918

    I am getting uber frustrated!

    I just did a 9 gallon water change about 30 minutes ago on my 24 gallon tank. I usually do about 3 gallons a week for regular maintanence but this past week a did two 3 gallon changes back to back for a total of 6 gallons over those two days.... So in total for this week I have changed 9 + 6...
  2. sac10918

    Cleaner Shrimp Hiding

    Maybe he is molting and is hiding because he is vulnerable...?
  3. sac10918

    I am getting uber frustrated!

    Hi Lion Thanks for responding.... When I do my smaller weekly water changes I used boxed ocean water that has Zero nitrates. Today since I did a larger change, I made my water using RO water and instant ocean salt. I tested that water before I added it and it had a tiny tiny bit of color to my...
  4. sac10918

    I am getting uber frustrated!

    Okay Trying to get my damn nitrates down from around 50. I have a 24 gallon aquapod. On Saturday and Sunday (5 days ago) I did a 3 gallon water change each day. I posted on here and was told I should do a larger water change. I spent the last few days mixing up my water and just performed the...
  5. sac10918

    My first encounter with the dreaded ICH!!!! HELP!

    Please let us know how it goes and if you have any more questions... Good luck!
  6. sac10918

    Seting up a Quarantine tank (Beth or Lion?)

    Al Mc ~Thanks for the info....I just worry that if I don't hypo, but I leave the fish in QT for 4 weeks, I could still possibly introduce ICH that went unnoticed on the new fish. I think I will try the hypo method (ive done it before and have a refractometer and everything)... Sep ~Thanks for...
  7. sac10918

    mandrians and ICH

    I think they have a special mucous that protects them from ICH
  8. sac10918

    help me with picking out new pump.

    I know this isnt the kind of pump you are talking about but I just purchased the Koralia nano pump which is a rotating pump that uses a magnet so that you can place it anywhere in the tank.... As far as pumps to power your leftside goes, I believe that I read somewhere that Maxijets are good...
  9. sac10918

    My first encounter with the dreaded ICH!!!! HELP!

    So Sep, just to clarify... I believe that you are suggesting that spoiledogz remove his live rock, shrimp, snails, etc and place them in another area (either antoher tank, a large bucket with power heads and heater, etc.) Then, spoiledogz should place all the fish back into the now essentially...
  10. sac10918

    i'm looking for a 75 or bigger setup in atl, ga

    Have you looked on ? I bet there are people in Atlanta selling on there!
  11. sac10918

    Help!!!! Hurry Please Help!!!!

    I am not sure what to do here (I don't own an anemone or anything) but I belive that the damaged anemone may leak toxic chemcials into your tank.... HOw large is your tank and how large of a water change did you do? Sorry I can't be more helpful, but at least I can give you a bump!
  12. sac10918

    Seting up a Quarantine tank (Beth or Lion?)

    THanks for the help Sep... So, is it not necessary to treat the fish for anything as long as the fish stays in QT for a few weeks and is eating healthy and normal? Would you do a freshwater dip, hypo, or anything to a visibly healthy fish to make sure there is nothing that you can't see hiding...
  13. sac10918


    What types of foods have you offered?
  14. sac10918

    Seting up a Quarantine tank (Beth or Lion?)

    Hi Sep! For some reason I didnt realize you hung around in the disease and treatment area....I try to avoid this part of the message boards, it makes me sad. No, this is not an emergency situation, I am just trying to set up the QT properly so that I can QT new fish I intend to purchase. So, it...
  15. sac10918

    Seting up a Quarantine tank (Beth or Lion?)

    Hi I posted in the equipment and lighting section but didnt get any response so I will try again here... I am looking to set up a QT tank using leftovers to use to Quarantine the next two fish I intend to purchase before adding them to my display... I plan to use water from my display and a...
  16. sac10918

    Black And White Saddlebacks

    Oh, They are beautiful! Reminds me of mine!
  17. sac10918

    Walk me through a QT set up

    Nobody quarantines their new fish out there?
  18. sac10918

    Walk me through a QT set up

    Hi I would like to set up a quarantine tank that I can have set up while I add the next two fish I would like over the next few months.... I have set up a QT in the past to treak Ich, and I have a lot of the equipment I need already.... So, what do i do? HEre is my plan.... 1) Set up my 10...
  19. sac10918

    OK, What's Next?

    Okay, well your levels look very good. I suspect that all your snails and hermits are doing well in your tank... Are you happy with your aquascaping and the amount of rock you have in your tank? Others will disagree with me here, but I like to have my rockwork all set up the way i want with the...
  20. sac10918

    Aquapod Help

    I also have a 24 gallon aquapod and am having trouble getting the nitrates down.... My understanding is that you can do a few different things.... 1) Water changes (like 8 gallons for the 24 gallon model) 2) Lower feedings 3) Try adding some cheato to the tank....this can be a problem if you...