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  1. bheron

    sump/fuge design

    if you search for "sump" in this forum you'll find ALOT of info and ideas. i did and just posted my two ideas in this forum yesterday. check them out to get you started - one idea incorporates both in one, while the other incorporates a seperate sump and fuge. apparently from feedback both work!
  2. bheron

    My first Sump/Fuge Designs - feedback?

    this is great feedback. i just decided last night, b/c of the unique configuration of the space for my sump/fuge, that i'll probably have a custom acrylic one made specially for this. the size i have to work with is only: 28" (w) x 23"" (d) x 18" (h). i know home depot does this but not sure...
  3. bheron

    Wet/Dry, Live Rock, Live Sand, Skimmer?!?!?!?

    From what I've heard, once the tank has cycled a skimmer can only help. Also, alot of people, if they have sufficient LR filtration are doing away with bio balls in the wet try. I beleive its b/c of a buildup of nitrates or something. Do a search and you'll see alot of talk about it. But, if...
  4. bheron

    Preparing SD sand for tank

    got it. thanks for the direction!
  5. bheron

    My first Sump/Fuge Designs - feedback?

    here's something similar but with a seperate, rubbermaid fuge that i've seen people do....
  6. bheron

    My first Sump/Fuge Designs - feedback?

    This one's a 30 gal glass tank with acrylic baffles...
  7. bheron

    My first Sump/Fuge Designs - feedback?

    Ok, after alot of research here, I've desiged two possible Sump/Fuge designs for my 75 gal FOWLR plus simple inverts. I'll try to upload both designs and let me know the pros and cons of each, and anything that i'm missing. These are first drafts so feel free to add whatever. Thanks!
  8. bheron

    Preparing SD sand for tank

    kip, thanks. i read up on "aquaculturing". i saw bangguys post too. it looks like alot of the points are directed at established tanks. if mine is new, wont it get the proper "coating" once the tank cycles?
  9. bheron

    Preparing SD sand for tank

    kip, i'm starting over and i want to do everything right, even if it means to take the axtra time. please elaborate on how this will benefit my system in the long run (versus just dumping the sand into saltwater in the tank)
  10. bheron

    Southdown in PA, Philly - FOUND!

    Well, after months and months, and endless trips to stores in the area and to the "yardright" website with no sucess...finally! So I figured I'd post it here and hope it can be found when someone searches for "Southdown" and "PA". Here's where I just picked up 3 bags for $4.99 each: Home Depot...
  11. bheron

    Preparing SD sand for tank

    so, for a brand new tank, is it safe to say that plain old Tropical Play Sand (from Old Castle) can go right into the new tank straight from the bag?
  12. bheron

    sump designs

    Almarktool, what do you mean when you say to "put in a closed loop system" in the back wall there??
  13. bheron

    Flow rating of my HOB Overflow?

    Brommer, thanks, good stuff. Great idea. I have my 15 gallon rubbermaid that I'll use to simulate my tank. I think its a good idea to completely simulate it and use the output hose, so I'll see if I can prop it up so it flows down. I hope this will give a more accurate ---and higher ---...
  14. bheron

    should I RO/DI or just RO??

    dzones, IMO if your'e gonna spring the $$$ for DO it might be worth it to go the extra $$ and get the purest water possible! That's what I'm doing.
  15. bheron

    Flow rating of my HOB Overflow?

    Hey Broomer, Maybe I didnt run a correct test? Hmm. Here's what I did- real lo tech: Simply held the overflow box/unit under the tub facet (primed it properly). Then I started the siphon (much nicer to do with clean fresh water!) and the unit started to pull water through the jtube and into...
  16. bheron

    Flow rating of my HOB Overflow?

    escape2, thanks for the info! well, in the meantime I actually ran a "wet-run" test of it in my tub! i ran it full for 1 minute and it put out only 2 gallons of water - which looked pretty good until I calculated that at 120GPH? Am I missing something here or do I have a pretty weak overflow...
  17. bheron

    Flow rating of my HOB Overflow?

    I have a J Tube HOB overflow box that I've previsouly used but have no idea what its GPH rating is. Without setting up my tank (which I havent yet done) any ideas on how I can find out its GPH capacity?
  18. bheron

    Sump & Fuge For New Setup

    I'm starting over and stil doring research.... Question about Fuge's in general: If one of the purposes of a Fuge is to help in filtration, 'trates, etc, and you can put a DSB and LR in it, does it eliminate the need for the full amount of LR in the display tank? I guess what I'm saying is that...
  19. bheron

    Mass Scarlet Carnage

    NC Snake- I went through something similar, on a smaller scale, with snails. My first two guess would be: 1) The PH might be high - mine was 8.6 when my snails and other small inverts i put in literally liquified! 2) Echo the above - if you used tap water ,at all, and there is even ther...
  20. bheron

    Lighting Question

    Aqua Fox, to echo Bang Guy - have you fully researched anemones? Do a search on this site and you might be surprised at what you find. For the most part, most people say the are very difficult to keep - might not be the best "starter" invert. Please do the search here first. Good luck!