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  1. garnet13aj

    Golden head very thin, curved spine

    Yeah, I'm definitely not speaking from experience, that's just what I read so I decided against buying one...
  2. garnet13aj

    NOOB in need of help

    Personally I think it's a bad idea to purchase a fully stocked system if you don't have prior experience. The best way to start the hobby is to ease yourself into it. Read a ton! The Concientious Marine Aquarist is a good place to start. Also, it's fun to choose your one critters along the way...
  3. garnet13aj

    Golden head very thin, curved spine

    I saw these fish last week when I was at the store and really wanted one, but in Marine Fishes by Scott Michael he says they have a dismal survival rate and he didn't really say why so I didn't get one. It could be that they are just not meant for captive environments. What have you been feeding...
  4. garnet13aj

    Help setting up QT/HT - Fast!!

    You shouldn't have to cycle it since there won't be any LR in it. Just mix up some salt water (or use water from the DT) and add it to the QT tank. Put in some non porous material (pvc pipe works well) for the fish to hide in and that's about all you need. It's not a permanent set up so it...
  5. garnet13aj

    Book about inverts.

    Whenever I want to learn about fish I first had to Marine Fishes by Scott Michael. Is there a similar book for common inverts of the saltwater trade? Whenever I go to my lfs I see tons of cool crabls, starfish, snails etc and it'd be handy to have a book like that to take along. Anyone have any...
  6. garnet13aj

    cc to!

    I would think so, the tank is obviously established after 2 years.
  7. garnet13aj

    what good?

    Do you want to know what good it does or what harm it does? It depends on the starfish. Chocolate chip stars will eat corals. I doubt any starfish are fast enough to catch a healthy fish. If you are looking into getting one you should definitely research it first. They all need a mature tank (at...
  8. garnet13aj

    cc to!

    Mixing cc and sand isn't a good idea. It will eventually sift into layers and detritus will get caught in the cracks. I switched mine over a few months ago and I haven't regretted it. It wasn't nearly as hard as people made it out to be either. What I did was take all the LR and put it in 5...
  9. garnet13aj

    decorator crabs

    Freaky! I like em.
  10. garnet13aj

    cleanup crew

    I have 2 emeralds in my 55 and they seem to be keeping the hair algae at bay. I've heard snails will only eat it if it's short, but it couldn't hurt to add a few in there. Also, pulling it out by hand when doing water changes is also a good way to keep it at bay. I'd stick with the four you've...
  11. garnet13aj

    cleaner crew help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Wait to get the package until your tank is cycled. As has been said above. I would take the damsels back to the fish store for 3 reasons. 1) You shouldn't cycle your tank with live animals you are essentially putting them in a vat of poisen and hoping they will survive. 2) If they do survive...
  12. garnet13aj

    Fish Compatability

    Royal gramma and sixline wrasses are also good choices. My sixline wrasse is one of my faves!
  13. garnet13aj

    We have a jumper

    That sucks! But a lesson can be learned from this....cover your tank!!!!
  14. garnet13aj

    Tap Water???

    I'd switch over to RO/DI because you don't want to take chances in this hobby. Damsels are pretty hardy fish so they generally won't show any visible signs in tap water of harm, but other fish are a lot more suseptable to less than perfect water conditions and once you've bough an RO/DI machine...
  15. garnet13aj

    Still new and need advice

    The salinity is a bit too high. Gradually add pure water (no salt added) until it goes down to somewhere between 1.022 and 1.026. Make sure your topping the tank off with pure water every few days so the level of the water stays the same, this will keep the salinity from creeping up. The levels...
  16. garnet13aj

    starfish looks like crap

    Also, how long did you acclimate the star for, using what method?
  17. garnet13aj

    fish without scales =..?

    I'm pretty sure eels are fish...and they are one of the few w/o scales. Rather than looking for fish that don't get ich it is better to make sure that you put your fish into tanks w/ good water quality that are the right size for that particular fish. A good, healthy environment will decrease...
  18. garnet13aj

    Favorite Qu'ran Verse

    I haven't ever read the Qu'ran (I plan to read it and the Bible someday) but I really like that quote. It goes in opposition to how I view most of religion and gives me a bit of relief.
  19. garnet13aj

    Snowflake Morey not eating....

    I feed mine shrimps and scallops from the store on a feeding stick. I'd try that if you haven't yet.
  20. garnet13aj

    Do You, or Don't You QT?

    I QT...but only for about a week. I figure (maybe incorrectly) that if my fish don't show signs of illness then they are fine by then. Also, I feel bad leaving them in the tiny 10 before they go to the 55. I have pretty small fish for the most part so the 10 works out okay and so far I haven't...