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  1. garnet13aj

    RIP vokl

    Aww, that is sad! I guess it is a good thing then that my sfe is a lazy bum that only comes out for food...
  2. garnet13aj

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Scientists looking for gay genes in sheep. Or maybe gay sheep wearing designer jeans. Do they use velcro gloves to hold the sheep too? Besides if sheep were gay, shepards wouldnt have to wear robes. A sheep can hear a zipper a mile away. Ever thought that if it was natural mankind would...
  3. garnet13aj

    check list please

    The fish sound good to me. I've been doing a lot of research on fisha additions for that size tank because I am stocking a 55 right now. I also want a blackback butterflyfish.
  4. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Ok, I think we can all agree on that...
  5. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    I don't understand what you are saying, can you clarify?
  6. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    I guess the pont then is that we see it differently, I don't want to pay for their health insurance and you do. There's really no point in going back in forth if it's merely a difference in opinion based on the same facts.
  7. garnet13aj

    I'm so excited!

    My dad would be jealous if he knew, he loves jimmy buffet!
  8. garnet13aj

    Help me sell the wife on the idea of a bigger tank!!!

    LOL, I wasn't making fun of you in any way at all. I do appologize if you took it that way. Do you know many married people at all? The "healthy" relationship deal only lasts for about 2 years. Then it is "yes dear". This goes in either direction and both parties are thinking " how can I get...
  9. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Did you see the numbers? If they have 10,000 working there on welfare and the next company only has 700 in one state then they are obviously adding a lot more to the load than other companies. They wouldn't refer to it as the "walmart bill" in passing if it wasn't ultimately targetted at them.
  10. garnet13aj

    Anna Nicole Smith R.i.P

    I'm not saying it to be rude, I'm saying it because it's true. She was highly unstable and in no condition to be taking care of a baby.
  11. garnet13aj

    Anna Nicole Smith R.i.P

    Probably good for the bably, the woman was exremely the baby's rich and maybe will have better parents (except if the weird lawyar keeps it!)
  12. garnet13aj

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Why does this phenomenon only happen in Humans? It doesn't actually, there is a scientist right now working on locating the "gay gene" and he is working w/sheep because a certain percentage of sheep show a preference for intercourse w/other male sheep. Search for "gay sheep" and you'll come up...
  13. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    "In introducing the Health Care Accountability Act, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), Rep. Anthony D. Weiner (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Jon S. Corzine (D-N.J.) said they are concerned that large employers such as Wal-Mart are transferring responsibility for health care to government-funded programs such...
  14. garnet13aj

    I don't think my kids are every going back to school!

    I would love to move to Maine or Alaska Alaska rocks! That's where I grew up, I just moved away for college a year and a half ago. I can't believe they are letting you off for a "cold day". Snow days are understandable because people literally can't drive on the roads but a cold day is...
  15. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Someone was talking about one on PBS, but the one I watched was one I rented. It's called Wal-mart: The High Cost of Low Prices.
  16. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    As a side note, if the walmart greeter's sole purpose is to watch out for theft (which is sounds like their not), so what. Why is it bad to hire someone to make sure people don't steal if that is something that happens a lot in a store?
  17. garnet13aj

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Yes, people that have traumatic childhood experience are sometimes also gay. This may or may not be related (I really don't know so I'm not going to venture a guess). But seriously, can anyone honestly tell me they sat down and made a choice about their sexuality. If you didn't what makes you...
  18. garnet13aj

    Would You Hire a Vocal Atheist?

    Personal choices that hurt no one. Like homosexuality because you don't feel the same way they do. Can you explain this more. As I understand it you are saying that homosexuality is a choice. This is incorrect it is just somthing that "happens" to people. I don't think straight people...
  19. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    That would be an incorrect assumption, but it doesn't hurt me if you make it. I certainly don't believe everything on tv, but there are some sources that are a lot more credible than others. What I do believe is that when the scientific method is used and experiments are done by a wide range of...
  20. garnet13aj

    WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price

    Quote: Originally Posted by garnet13aj Also, I didn't mention this earlier, but the movie talks about how the government gives subsidies to walmart to build roads toward their store. .... Probably due to the amount of traffic the store generates... how is that a bad thing? It's bad because that...