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  1. garnet13aj

    Urchin, Anemone Info

    The info about the star is definitely good, I'll keep that in mind. But for future reference, how old and what type of lighting should I have to keep an anenome? I always see posts that say that a tank is too old and needs better lighting, but specifically what type of lighting and how old? Thanks.
  2. garnet13aj

    Until our system is fixed, please post any and all spam posts in here!

    ew spam!!!!
  3. garnet13aj


    If they do end up breeding like crazy you could always get a fish that likes to eat them, problem solved! But so far my turbos and astreas have yet to breed.
  4. garnet13aj

    Urchin, Anemone Info

    Okay, I don't know anything about light bulbs, but this is what it says on them: F40C50 Chroma 50 40W Does that mean anything to you? If so and they are not suitable for anenomes, what kind of lights should I get?
  5. garnet13aj

    Urchin, Anemone Info

    Thanks. At the moment I have minimal algae growth, if I suplemented w/nori could I get one now, or should I wait until my tank is older? I'll check on the lights in a sec, I forgot to put that in, because I decided to ask about anenomes at the last second.
  6. garnet13aj

    Urchin, Anemone Info

    I'm interested in learning more urchins and anemones. I have a 55 g FOWLR that is about 3 1/2 months old with about 40 lbs LR (getting more in the future) and 30 lbs LS. Inhabitants: -2 Ocellaris clowns -1 Royal gramma -1 SFE -1 chocolate chip starfish (I know I got this too early) -assorted...
  7. garnet13aj

    firefish goby MIA

    So, about 3 weeks ago I got 2 firefish. One died (I think he was bitten) and then a few days later the other one disappeared. I don't know if he's dead or not, but it has been about a week and I haven't seen him. So basically I'm in the same boat and I don't no for sure, but I'd bet they yours...
  8. garnet13aj

    Installation of air, water, ice RO/DI

    thanks guys! I'll look into the faucet adapter. I have about the smallest appartment ever, no room for a washer/dryer...oddly enough it does fit my 55 g tank though!
  9. garnet13aj

    Installation of air, water, ice RO/DI

    Okay, I bought an air, water, ice RO/DI unit for my 55g tank because I don't have a car so I don't have any other way to get good water for my tank. Up until now I've been using tap water. So after convincing my dad to get me the RO/DI unit for christmas, I figure out today, when I opened the...
  10. garnet13aj

    What fish in a 55g?

    Good fish for a 55g: -Coral beauty -lemonepeel angelfish -blackback butterflyfish -flame angel -firefish -royal gramma -sixline wrasse -lawnmower blenny (better in established tanks because they require a lot of algea)
  11. garnet13aj

    The Conscientious Marine Aquarist? ???

    The New Marine Aquirium is also good, but most people on here will say Conscientious Marine Aquarist when someone asks what book they should read.
  12. garnet13aj

    starting up a 55g

    I like the first list as far as fish goes, I don't know enough about inverts to comment. I have a 55 also and am considering a blackback butterflyfish. I really like the way they look. And I love my clowns, they are hilarious.
  13. garnet13aj

    Right or Not ???

    I'll probably go back and read the rest of the thread later, but I want to put my 2 cents in either way. I'm pro choice. I don't know if I personally would do it (I'd rather adopt and never get pregnant personally, if I can have it my way), but I think it's the woman's choice. She is the one...
  14. garnet13aj

    Death Penalty

    What I've heard, although I don't know for sure that it is the truth, is that it costs more to put them to death because of the cost of all the trials they must go through to make sure that they are really guilty. But it's true, I think jail time should be a time for someone to reflect on...
  15. garnet13aj

    Medically Assisted Death/Suicide

    Personally, I think it's up to the person and their physician if they are conscious and the family and the physician if they are not. If you are sick and dying and there is no hope and the pain is torturing you I don't see why you shouldn't be able to put yourself out of your misery. As far as...
  16. garnet13aj

    Death Penalty

    I said yes. That being said, while I do think some crimes justify the death penalty I am ultimately against it because of the incredible amount of time and money that goes into the process. In the end a criminal with a life sentace w/o parole vs. a criminal on death row is off the streets either...
  17. garnet13aj

    Wish list in my 55 galloon tank

    The clowns and coral beauty are perfect additions. In my 55 that I am working on now, I have 2 ocellaris clows, 1 firefish (the other died last week!), a snowflake eel. I am tossing around the ideas of a few royal grammas, a coral beauty, and a blackback butterflyfish (not all of them! but those...
  18. garnet13aj

    Anybody know of freecycle??

    Just as a sidenote, it's great to give things away and there are a lot of easy places for you to do so, such as big brothers/big sisters, salvation army, and any shelters or women's shelters in your area.
  19. garnet13aj


    We made a democracy I don't think that we can make a democracy for them. So far it is still a big mess over there. I can't say what has been accomplished and what hasn't in specifics, but until the Iraqi people actually start running the government I won't call it a democracy. Most democracies...
  20. garnet13aj

    New Owner--help us

    a potters angel is also a nice choice imo as opposed to the flame. I like the look of the potters, but people on here will tell you that they can't keep them alive for over a year. The flame angel and coral beauty are the typical angels that everyone talks about for that size tank. Another...