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  1. garnet13aj

    Lowering Ammonia

    No, the sixline is fine, healthy appetite, swims the whole lenght of the tank etc...
  2. garnet13aj

    Lowering Ammonia

    I'm going to go w/the third option! I really meant .25. So I guess that's better and I did feed recently so I guess that could be good, but what test kit would you say is the best so in the future I really know what I'm seeing?
  3. garnet13aj

    Lowering Ammonia

    I just did a 20% water change last night. The kit I'm using is a Red Sea Marine Lab kit and I'm pretty sure that it's right although I haven't verified it w/anyone else's because seattle isn't exactly the hub of saltwater aquarium keeping. One thing though is that the 25 ppm isn't exact because...
  4. garnet13aj

    Lowering Ammonia

    My system is about 5 months old and I just tested the water and the ammonia is at about 25 ppm. I haven't added any new LR lately and as far as I know there are no dead creatures giving leaking ammonia into the system. Any ideas on what could be causing this and how to fix it? I just added new...
  5. garnet13aj

    Recipes Please!

    So I've decided to start cooking again...I was given cook books by 2 people for my birthday because I do like to cook, but I looked back over my food habits for the last 6 months and I look just like the typical college kid (which I am :S). But as I said above, I'm turning over a new leaf, so I...
  6. garnet13aj

    Red blanket of stuff HELP!!!

    It's best to fix the problem rather than treat the symptom or it will just come back. To increase water flow you are going to have to add 1 or 2 more powerheads and for the moment I would suggest pointing them directly at the disaster areas.
  7. garnet13aj

    Red blanket of stuff HELP!!!

    cyanobacteria is a phase in most new tanks, although it can come back at any time. The best way to combat it is to increase water flow and use RO/DI water.
  8. garnet13aj

    Cool Coin

    I don't know, I think I'd rather have the coin lacking "in god we trust", but their a bit hard to come by...
  9. garnet13aj

    Beginning Hobbyist

    is it better to order my products or go to the local pet store? I'd say it's a personal choice. I can't promise to be home when the package comes, so I have to buy at the store. People give mostly good reviews about this site though, I've heard they have beautiful live rock. One good thing...
  10. garnet13aj

    Beginning Hobbyist

    Good job on not letting your lfs bully/trick you into buying things too early. Definitely read the book from front to back, ask a million questions on here and you will be on your way to responsible aquarium keeping. The general rule of thumb for people just getting into the hobby, is don't rush...
  11. garnet13aj

    How many fish can go in my tank?

    There's really no way to answer that question without comparing the size and especially personality of the fish you want. A good book to get is Marine Fishes by Scott Michael, it will give you a lot of general information about the most popular saltwater fish. Satlwater fish like their space, so...
  12. garnet13aj

    Flame w/a pygmy angel

    You have to have a really large tank to house 2 angels together, so I'd say no.... :(
  13. garnet13aj

    Frogfish in 12

    I don't know that much about frogfish, I saw one at the lfs yesterday and the manager suggested no smaller than a 55g. I don't know what they would say in the nano forum, but I've heard a lot of people on this site suggest that if you want to keep fish you should have no smaller than a 20g...
  14. garnet13aj

    RAzor Blades

    I use a plastic scraper and it works just fine...
  15. garnet13aj

    Red algae

    If it comes off in sheets when you wave your hand over it, it's cyanobacteria. The best way to get rid of it is to increase water flow and use RO/DI water. It's a natural phase when you are setting up a new tank and can be a pain to deal with but the methods above will almost surely make it...
  16. garnet13aj

    suggestions please!

    I have a snowflake eel and I really like him, but as people have said above, inverts won't last long in an aggressive tank.
  17. garnet13aj

    my new eels

    Nice pictures, that's exciting!
  18. garnet13aj

    55 Gallon Question

    I would have to agree, if you want to take on the responsibility of a saltwater tank you will have to shell out the dough for live rock. One way to cut down on the cost a bit though would be to use a mixture of live rock and base rock. I would come back w/questions about stocking your tank after...
  19. garnet13aj

    Urgent! about six line Wrasse

    Also rmahnick, I don't know if you've heard this before, but people generally suggest that you wait at least 2 weeks between adding fish to let the tank catch up with the newly added bio load as well as to let the fish get comfortable. Just passing that on...
  20. garnet13aj

    Tempature question

    I would say turn of the heater and see what happens, I was having a temperature problem also so I just took out the heater and the temp stays at a perfect 76 now. If not taking it out completely, turning down the temp a bit should help. I would suggest getting some powerheads though, they are...