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  1. garnet13aj

    Dying Starfish? How Do I Know?

    I would guess that it is suffering from osmotic shocks, as others have said. They need to be acclimated for 3+ hours. They also need a sg of 1.025-1.026 so if it's not that high at the moment you should bump it up. If it is osmotic shock all you can do is wait and it will probably die :(. Good luck.
  2. garnet13aj

    sand first or rock first when starting out tank??

    just talked to the lfs and he said the reason that im replacing my sand is to get all the metals and crap that comes from tap out of my system...then put all new LS and try to get my system back up and running...if thats not the problem then im going to be soo f#@&ing pissed off took out all...
  3. garnet13aj

    sand first or rock first when starting out tank??

    I put rock then sand. The reason for this was because I wanted the rocks to be resting on the bottom of the tank. If they are resting on the sand and a critter goes under them they can shift killing the animal sometimes and more importantly they can shift the rock, which could shift rock it's...
  4. garnet13aj

    adding live sand to crushed coral

    I would say just bite the bullet and change over all the substrate. As chadman said, the sand will filter its way to the bottom of the cc. I had cc too and a few months ago I decided to change it and I haven't regretted it at all. I don't know what size tank you have, but it wasn't that big of a...
  5. garnet13aj

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    There are creatures in the oceans that have survived to tell a tale, why not on land? Why not? There is a small discussion on the other page about this. Inclusive, but it is still there.
  6. garnet13aj

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    I think I'm going to check out the video if I can find it, but I am not convinced that that video was of good enough quality for scientists to come up w/any sort of conclusive evidence. I don't think that they would be able to see muscle movement from that video: 1. he was hairy, 2. that is...
  7. garnet13aj

    small tank

    I'd wait for a few more opinions before making a decision, but a lot of people on here will say if you want fish you should have a 20g tank minimum. My clowns swim the entire lenght of my 55 g so that's 4 feet that they traverse back and forth.
  8. garnet13aj

    Newb Questions???

    I'm not positive, but 4 fish may be too much for a 20g. I would ask in the nano forum maybe. Or maybe someone w/more experience w/smaller tanks will respond here. As far as cleanup crew, maybe 5-10 turbo/astrea snails and 5-10 assorted small hermit crabs would do it. Have you read up on how to...
  9. garnet13aj

    HELP cant beat the slime

    Red slime is generally caused by low flow, tap water, and/or overfeeding. By having enough flow (and pointing it directly at the slime), using tap water, and feeding so much that a ton is left over on the sand/rocks, it should go away on its own. I just got done battling a nasty round and...
  10. garnet13aj

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    Here's the video. Patterson Bigfoot Footage Thanks ArmandoC. I searched youtube but I wasn't sure which one was the one people have been referring to as "proof". Personally, I have no reason to believe that video is anything more than a person dressed up in a gorilla suit walking oddly.
  11. garnet13aj

    Royal Gramma

    I just got one about 3 weeks ago maybe and I'd say that they are pretty low care level. They hide for a few days and then all is well. I'd say if you want one and the only thing holding you back is the care level, then go for it.
  12. garnet13aj

    Do you have to have a Protein Skimmer?

    Personally, I'd never considering having a tank w/o one. Like people have said, once you've seen what they pull out it no longer is a question.
  13. garnet13aj

    Help my eel

    Sounds like a serious problem, beyond simply not eating. When mine stops eating I switch up his diet, feed him scalops or muscles instead of shrimp. If he starts looking a little better. They are pretty hardy creatures though, I'd check your parameters, it sounds like something might be way off.
  14. garnet13aj


    Anyone else? Keep in mind, it's a bunch of college kids so group projects are good. We'd like something that we can all do together. I really like the retirement home idea though, I keep thinking about my grandpa and how my grandma went to see him every day and after he died she would still go...
  15. garnet13aj

    tomb of jesus

    well, the Jewish tradition back then was to put the body in a box for a set amount of time for the body to decay. after that, the body was removed and buried and that is what happend with these bodies. So I'd be interested to hear how they get testable DNA from a box that has been empty for 2000...
  16. garnet13aj

    Thought you'd like this

    lol, oh I love it when kids that can't make their own breakfast make me look like an idiot! Have you seen that comercial where the baby (couldn't have been even a year old) is flipping through a book w/her mom and naming all the presidents? That cracks me up.
  17. garnet13aj

    beach sand

    Pros: it's free! Cons: A lot of beaches are full of man-made contaminants and harmful bacteria. If I were you I'd bite the bullet and buy it, you shouldn't need that much for a 15 g tank.
  18. garnet13aj

    Cant GROW algae!

    How old is your tank? A good supply of algae is something that comes w/time...
  19. garnet13aj

    Small, Active, Colorful Fish

    How about a royal gramma, I resisted getting one for a while because it seems like a lot of people have them, but I'm really glad that I got one. I love him, he's bright, I can see him from across the room, he gets along great w/my clowns, he's fun to watch, and he's friendly.
  20. garnet13aj

    Does Bigfoot really exist?

    Is this video of the bigfoot sighting on youtube? If anybody finds it will they post the link, I'll look, but I'm in class right now :S