Search results

  1. fishy88

    Feeding leapord shark

    how big is your tank? i dont think if you feed more it will be more active
  2. fishy88

    looking for 300g in La or san diego.

    so no pumps or skimmer
  3. fishy88

    looking for 300g in La or san diego.

    bdhough do you know if it is just the aquarium or is it everything?
  4. fishy88

    are POLY-FILTERS any good????????????

    i love them. they work great for my tank
  5. fishy88

    Starting up A predator Tank

    no its not 1in per gallon its like 1in per 5 gallons. thats a bad rule anyway. tangs need a lot of swimming room so you cant keep one in a 60 and harliquins gets a foot long so you cant keep one them in a 60. i would go with the sfe, dwarf lion, and Yellow Damsel but it might get eatin by the lion.
  6. fishy88

    detroit, huge tank wanted

    john reed do you know what store is selling the 400g?
  7. fishy88

    smoothhoud shark

    yeah they cant stay in a 500g for life
  8. fishy88

    live food

    i dont feed live food and it is bad to feed fw feeders to sw.
  9. fishy88

    Best Large Angel For My Tank?

    Grey Angels get way too big. the same as french. i would get an Emperor.
  10. fishy88

    sharks and rays, I need help?

    sounds like your stocked. i wouldnt add any more fish/sharks/or rays
  11. fishy88

    Rip black dogface

    you cant keep them with sharks bc puffers nip at the sharks.
  12. fishy88

    pics of ur fav. fish in ur tank

    my broomtail
  13. fishy88

    Shark Battleground

    never mide just read the whole thread. my bad lol
  14. fishy88

    Shark Battleground

    where did you see it? i want to see it
  15. fishy88


    my sfe didnt eat any of my hermits or snails.
  16. fishy88


    what kind of lion? sf eels are good tankmates.
  17. fishy88


    heard there was a group from PETA I think it was that went around buying up all of the clownfish and setting them free hope not, that is the most irresponsible thing to do. it could put kill the ecosystem where ever they release them.
  18. fishy88

    Dragon wrasse& dogface puffer

    the dragon wrasse starves easy fast
  19. fishy88

    Dragon wrasse& dogface puffer

    sound good. but make sure he eats every day the can starve to death very fast so i read.