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  1. fishy88

    Going diving in Great White cage. Need camera recomendation

    i wouldnt get get a digital and buy the underwater housing. that way you could have good pics and still use the camera else where. the cameras in the sea and sea are not that great and for around the same price you can get a nice digital.jmho
  2. fishy88

    Starting up A predator Tank

    well dawrf kinda look like the voltan.
  3. fishy88

    New tank

    thats for a 100g
  4. fishy88

    New tank

    are you going to have a overflow or ho filter? if over flow get a wet/dry and skimmer. if ho get skimmer i like the The Berlin HO around $175 or CPR Bak Pak Dual Pak $200 and 2 Emperor Power filter 400 W/BIO-Wheels about $50
  5. fishy88

    building a tank

    you might want to put this in diy forum. there alot more people can help you like NOVICE
  6. fishy88

    my new 125

    yeah that is 140g. nice tank
  7. fishy88

    Octopus tank

    how big of an octo?
  8. fishy88

    Starting up A predator Tank

    here is a fuzzy
  9. fishy88

    Starting up A predator Tank

    the dwarf get ten inches and the fuzzy dwarf( shortfin lion) gets 7 inches. i woud get the fuzzy.
  10. fishy88

    Blue Line Trigger

    yeah thats too small for a blue line. but there are alot of triggers you can keep.
  11. fishy88

    my little Nemo

    sounds like your going good on the cycle.
  12. fishy88

    im new at this...

    beginners need larger tanks because they are easier. IMHO small tanks are hard and are for more advanced(i.e people with some experience). so at least get a 29 that way it is a little easier and it only costs like $20-30 more.
  13. fishy88

    Starting up A predator Tank

    voltans get huge. a 60 is way to small. they also grow fast. i would get a fuzzy dwarf and a snowflake.
  14. fishy88

    Beginner Fish

    damsels are hardy.
  15. fishy88

    Large Agressive

    kinkfish how big is yours? what other tank mates do you have? he loos great.
  16. fishy88


    anyone have any pics i still dont know what they are?
  17. fishy88

    got a shark in my 60g.

    i am also wondering this too. im setting up a 300g this summer and dont know what pump to get. dose anyone know? triggerfish im thinking of getting a ASM G-4 Protein Skimmer.
  18. fishy88

    can you paint the back of a acrylic tank?

    i want to hide the equipment by painting it black but the tank is acrylic is this ok? and what kind of paint?