Search results

  1. fishy88

    Baby Jellyfish

    thats cool.
  2. fishy88

    Picture(s)of your Nano(s)

    your nanos look great
  3. fishy88

    220 for sale

    cool midnight puffer i have one too
  4. fishy88

    Acrylic VS. Glass Advantages and Disadvantages

    im getting a 300 what would you get if they are the same price?
  5. fishy88

    Can I add one more fish?

    i would also say you are maxed out
  6. fishy88

    180 FOWLR Aggressive Stocking Suggestions

    you might want to move this to the aggressive forum there will be more people to help you. voltan lions get very big and the triggers could beat up the lions. are you going to have a skimmer? i think with this setup you are going to need a skimmer.
  7. fishy88

    protien skimmer ?

    i always had my skimmers on while i cycled
  8. fishy88

    water changes

    i have a 60 gal and i do 10 gallons every 2 weeks
  9. fishy88

    29 and under

    nice tanks everyone
  10. fishy88

    what other fish?

    ok, when i get my 300gal i am going to put my broomtail wrasse and my midnight puffer what else can i put in there?how hardy are queen angels and would 1 work well in my tank? im at a loss of what other fish i could get any help would be great.
  11. fishy88

    Hawaiian Spotted Puffer

    my Hawaiian Spotted Puffer chewed o my harlquin tusks tail and the tusk is almost 2 times the size
  12. fishy88

    here is what i want, what size tank?

    im not getting sharks! if my puffer cant go with them then no. so i plan on my broomtail, midnight puffer and ????? the other puffer is staying in my 160
  13. fishy88

    Going diving in Great White cage. Need camera recomendation

    i always wanted to go to. for the camera im a diver and im going to buy the s-45 cannon i think. its 500 for the camera and another 200-300 for the housing
  14. fishy88

    Warning For All Shark Keepers!!!!

    WARNING WARNING:::::: Do not feed your 5 year old liver. My five year old was hungry so I dangled some liver in front of her face. She ran across the room and straight into the door, she then jumped into the reef tank where I finally got her out with some Ice cream. She seems okay today lol
  15. fishy88

    for sale smouth hound sharks local only

    why did you buy more sharks a put them up for sale?
  16. fishy88

    My 300Gallon

    cool! im setting up a 300 soon, i how many damsels did you cycle with? and what king of skimmer? thanks
  17. fishy88

    coming up for a "rule" for stocking fish

    if you want a fish that gets 2 feet you need a 12'by4'by3'. thats a 1077gal tank
  18. fishy88

    what would i need to make a fresh into a salt

    im going to keep a broomtail wrasse, midnight dogface puffer, queen angel and maybe sometin else.
  19. fishy88

    what would i need to make a fresh into a salt

    i found a good deal on a 300gal fresh it has 2 over flowsand a wetdry. what would i need to make it a saltwater aggressive.
  20. fishy88

    When did Montery Bay get a white?

    my friend that i work with a hub sea world said Monterey Bay is the only aquarium that may be able to keep a white. i know sea world had one a long time ago but it died.